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Meeting with CiSTUP chairman on Urban infrastructure policy

202 users have liked.
18 Jul 2009 11:00
Urban DevelopmentPublic Transport


Centre for infrastructure and Sustainable Transportation & Urban Planning (CiSTP) was inaugurated by Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa on the premises of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in January 2009. CiSTUP is focusing on issues related to urban transport, planning and infrastructure, besides urban local issues such as water supply, sewerage and solid waste management.

Most of the Government of Karnataka Departments and organizations such as Namma Metro, BMTC are now working with this center.

I have arranged a meeting with the chairman of CiSTP Prof. T G Sitharam.


1. To explain activities of CiSTP to praja members. (Prof. Sitharam is already aware of praja)

2. To get feedback from Praja members on upcoming Government of Karnataka policy regaring Urban infratructure development. I will try to get the copy of draft policy before the meeting.

Date/Time: July 18, 2009, Saturday, 11 AM probably till 1 PM.

Venue: CiTSUP office in IISc. To reach this building, Use the entrance located next to Circle Shri Maramma Temple. This is at the north side dead end of Margosa Road where it meets the Sankey road. Once inside, you can see the SID building. CiSSTP building is behind SID and can be reached from left (west side) road.

IMPORTANT: Please carry a photo ID card as Security at the IISc gate may ask for it.

Please inform me by email sanjay.chitnis at gmail dot com if you are coming or post a reply to this thread.

Note: At the time of posting this, the link to CiSTP home page above is not working somehow. I tried to insert google map, will try later again.

Sanjay Chitnis

sanjay.chitnis at gmail


IISc alumni



psaram42's picture

I will attend

163 users have liked.

this meeting with CISTUP. Thanks for arranging. BTW the CISTUP link worked on my Google chrome explorer.

Here is the google map for IISc 

Srivatsava's picture

Count me in too...

156 users have liked.

Thanks for arranging this. I will attend this on Saturday.

Is this being arranged exclusively for Praja members? If so, we should a few more people participating



-Srivatsava V

srkulhalli's picture

IISc meeting agenda

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I was trying to check if I could get  IISc interested in taking up road design as student projects, my contacts was more with the Product design dept., that links in to my alumni a lttle bit.

But I guess this department is the right one to go to. Is it OK to discuss some of this stuff the Prof once you are finished with the above agenda ?


murali772's picture

would like to attend.

176 users have liked.

would like to attend.

Muralidhar Rao
sanchitnis's picture

This is exclusive for Praja, please contact your friends

154 users have liked.

Thanks to all those who have agreed to attend. If you have any additional points to add to the agenda a bit to suit the interests of the members, please let me know.

Yes Srivatsava, this is exclusively for Praja members only. And I agree we need to get some more members. Can you all please contact your friends and let them confirm yes or no? Thanks in advance!

Here is the link to the IISc gate which you will need to use.  IISc Gate near Circle Sri Maramma temple. Please, note that this center is not in the main campus, but across the road towards Malleswaram.

Best regards,

Sanjay Chitnis

sanchitnis's picture

@suhas OK to add this to agenda

184 users have liked.
Yes, You can introduce this idea and then depending on interest we can discuss it then or leave it for both of you to take it forward later. Sanjay Chitnis
srkulhalli's picture

car-pooling for IISc meet

161 users have liked.

We can car-pool.  Murali, I think you stay in Kormangala. Can I park somewhere nearby and we go with you from there ? Will need your number to co-ordinate

Anybody else from HSR-kormangala want to come ?


rs's picture

Email address does not work..

181 users have liked.

I wrote to Prof. Sitharam at CiSTUP - my usual rant about Malleswaram Traffic - but the email bounced back, saying no such email exists.

The second email address provided on the CiSTUP page seems to work - or at least has not yet bounced back. I suppose this does not auger well ? 




murali772's picture

location not clear

183 users have liked.

Sanjay - you said it's not in the main campus. I don't know of any gate near the temple other than what I thought was the main gate (opposite BHEL gate). Can you please mark it on the map?

Suhas - my number is 98450 75543.

Muralidhar Rao

Muralidhar Rao
rs's picture

Circle Maramma Gate.

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There is a gate next to `Circle Maramma Temple' at Maramma Circle  - which is offcially known as C.V. Raman Circle. If you are coming from Kormangalla or the Cantonment area on Chowdiah Road and Sankey Tank Road towards Yeshwantpur Circle, you will first have to pass this circle. At the circle you will have to go around 270 degrees to face the gate in question, which is next to the Temple.

This circle is one of the main players in my rant on Malleswaram Traffic

as it is the meeting point of Sampige and Margosa Roads.

The part of the campus in question is connected to the main campus by an underpass which goes under C.V. Raman Road - so if you do enter the main campus you can also get here. The underpass is next to the erstwhile India Coffee Board. I hope this helps. I'm sorry I wont be there as I am going out of town.



sanchitnis's picture


161 users have liked.

 Hello, Muralidhar Sir,

As I mentioned, this circle is at the T-junction where the Margosa Road of Malleswaram starts form Sankey Road. It is Marked as "A" in the map in my post above ( IISc Gate near Circle Sri Maramma temple. ).

Hello Ramesh Sir,

Please send the mail to me as and I will forward it to him. I have his working address, but I cannot post it here in public forum. Here is very much contactable.

For everyone:

In case anyone needs further directions, feel free to call me at 9886279597 any time.

You can park your vehicles inside. If you come by Public transport, you can get down at Malleswaram 18th Cross or IISc main gate stops which are very close.

Sanjay Chitnis

sanchitnis's picture

See you all there at 11 AM at IISc

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 The meeting is re-confirmed. One of Prof. Sitharam's colleague will also be there. Though we have only 5 members who have confirmed, many are heavy- weights and can really represent whole of Praja. I wish no one drops out at the last moment. Other members are of course welcome. Please call me in case you need directions to the venue.

Best regards,

Sanjay Chitnis

pathykv's picture

!!am meeting

169 users have liked.

I will be joining


silkboard's picture

apologies, couldn't join

187 users have liked.

Apologies for not being able to join today.

Look forward to the reports.

psaram42's picture

Had a good meet with CiSTUP

148 users have liked.

 A great meet. I have my comments ready. Waiting to put it as my comments to Sanjays post

srkulhalli's picture

Good meet, my view on CiTSUP vision

163 users have liked.

comments shifted here


psaram42's picture

A good vision Document

189 users have liked.

comments shifted here comment guidelines

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