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Waste Management and Road Pot Holes Legislation

322 users have liked.

House hold waste management is an important issue in present day cities like our own Bangalore.

Plastics invention was more of a bane than anything else, as it is not bio degradable. Its use and throw concept is thus environment unfriendly. Plastics were waiting to happen after Dhirubhai Ambany reliance “terilene”.  

In not very distant past, when plastics were yet to be discovered, we the people were happy using cotton bags for shopping, which we had to remember to carry. Old news paper was used to pack different items of purchase at the grocers.

 Now, the retail stores can pack pre weighed food grains in plastic bags. Thus we the people have the advantage of not to carry bags to shopping malls. Use and throw concept has ushered in, Thanks to the invention of plastics.

Recently BBMP had arranged a week long program on waste management in general at Freedom Park, in the month of February this year Click [1]

Now the much awaited  legislation has arrived! Thanks to the new chief minister Mr. Siddharamaiah 

Persons caught five times for failing to segregate dry and wet waste at home will be punished with a jail term up to three months or a fine of Rs 1,000 or both. 
    The state government on Thursday introduced the Karnataka Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Bill, 2013, to penalize people who don’t segregate waste and those who litter, spit, urinate or defecate in the open. 
    Individuals who don’t segregate waste will be punished with a Rs 100 fine for the first offence and a Rs 500 penalty for repeating it. Dumping building waste 
will invite a penalty of Rs 1,000 for the first offence and Rs 5,000 for subs Clic [2]

The standards of Bangalore roads are much to be desired.  Road lying and maintenance thereafter is a burning issue. Surprisingly even metros like Mumbai are also not an exception!


Chief Minister Siddaramaiah cracked the whip on BBMP officials over the poor condition of roads and shoddy monsoon repairs, directing them to attend to pothole locations in 48 hours. Click [3]


psaram42's picture

Catch me if you can

202 users have liked.

Catching people throwing garbage in platic bags is a difficult task. Knowing the BBMP and their slipshod work culture it is a high call by our well meaning CM.

Catch Me If You Can is a 2002 American biographical crime comedy-drama film based on the life of Frank Abagnale, who, before his 19th birthday, successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor, and a Louisiana parish pros

Click [1]

Hope the CM takes the call to its logical end!


psaram42's picture

People will be punished for not segregating!!

170 users have liked.
What will the people do after segrigating?
  • After segrigation what happens CM sir?
  • What have you instructed the BBMP on the issue?
  • Why are you silent on that Mukhya Mantri JI?????
  • What is the methodology for enforcing what you legislate?

The CM needs to go beyond making a Legislation which has no meaning, if not enforceable.

abidpqa's picture

Some potholes in the city

170 users have liked.

Some potholes in the city cannot be repaired by filling it up. The best example is the one in front of Indiranagar police station. There is water channel which seems to be natural running under the road because the army is letting the water to seep underground :). It will soak up whatever asphalt laid on it.

The real solution is to build drainage, Even that cannot bedone Because of the quality of construction happening now and also because of overloaded trucks. In fact, From Indiranagar to Tin factory, there is no drainage running under the road. Disobeying the law limits our options. Despite TOIs best efforts, basically potholes problem is unsolvable comment guidelines

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