"Electioneering for the BBMP polls virtually concluded on Thursday late night with the 66.19 lakh Bangalore electorate getting set to vote on Sunday. Technically the candidates had time till Friday 7 am to end their campaign, but with the ban on using the public address system after 10 pm, the candidates had to close shop on Thursday night." See the TOI article here.
The campaign has been very vigorous. The door to door campaign has been very good with distribution of election ID of each voter in a house hold. I have got this info from both BJP and the congress.
BJP has circulated a 33 page manifesto mainly of photographs ribbon cutting and several lists of jobs done like road asphalting etc. It also gives the phots of 7 of its candidates 3 women and 4 men. Out of this seven, one of the names attracted my attention. This was of Dayanand as he has a M. Tech. degree and he is a youngster. The Manifesto also carries an appeal by the current MLA Mr. S Raghu at the back page.
The significance of BBMP election this time is that it is the first after BMP became BBMP. This up gradation BMP BBMP was the handiwork of Kumaranna of JDS. This up gradation perhaps should not have been done at all. It shows the scant regard to green belt and other eco concept, that these greedy politicians can have.
Why BBMP Elections are important
BBMP belongs to the lowest rung of country’s governance
It is well known that leadership and statesmanship is best developed bottom up. Many parties must have realized this and would like to develop good leaders proactively.
Sweeping statements
PSA sir, such big sweeping statements, well.
Vote well.