Praja-RAAG is conducting a public survey on Public Perception about 'Public Transport' and 'Suburban Rail Service' in Bengaluru. It is a simple 10-point questionnaire requiring not more than 5 Minutes of your time.
Photo Courtesy - © Kostakostov – Fotolia.com
This is an online Survey available @ https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/commuterrail
The results of which will be shared with RITES who is currently doing the DPR work for Phase-1A of the 'Bengaluru Suburban Rail' project.
I request all the Praja members to take this survey. Feel free to leave your comment here.
It took me less than 5 minutes!
It took me about less than 5 minutes ina nswering all the questions.
Yes, took survey
Looking others to participate in the survey and request public who are regular use of the trains services.
We need more!
Dear Prajagale,
We need more hands to take the survey. We are atleast looking at 1000 people taking the survey. More the better.
Please help us.
Different tactic needed
This survey is quite long and while the intentions are good, I would suggest a simple - sign this petition type of thing at change.org.
The survey is quite confusing, and who does not want everything: affordable, frequent, on time services that is safe/clean... This is a BASIC requirement!!!
We need a petition to throw out BMTC if they cant / wont provide this basic requirement. and I'm sure the concerned minister and the officials wont step down (AAP baiters - this one is for you!) after all this was their goal all along - make money to fill their pockets, ooops strike that, coffers and frustrate people (Achieved A++).
I received quite a few emails requesting me to sign petitions after I signed one requesting BMTC to start night services. Its so simple I almost never hesitate to sign anything reasonable. I even do the signing on my phone as it takes so little effort to click the 'Sign petition' button.
It is coming!
Watch out for the announcment on online petition which will out soon.