Meeting with Minister Shri. Ramlinga Reddy

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Commuter Rail

(Posting on behalf of Murali Sir and Sandeep)

Praja team comprising of Muralidhar Rao, Sandeep Chandrakeerthi joined by Sandeep's father, Mr Chopra, and Mr Mukunda (from Bellandur RWA activist) today (Saturday Dec 21, 2013) met with GOK MInister for Transport Shri. Rnalinga Reddy.

During the meeting the team emphasized on the need for the immediate setting up of the SPV, and the operationalization of Phase 1A with an investment of just Rs 150 cr. Mr Reddy stated that he'll set up a joint meeting with Kharge when he comes to Bangalore next, where a team from Praja will also participate. 

Besides meeting with Mr. Reddy, there were also efforts to make contact with Mr. P. N. Srinivasachary, Principal Secretary, UDD. It is learn't that SPV is being formed already and the Railways had told them to approach them once the SPV was in place.

On a side note, Mr. Srinivas was also the Private Secretary to Mr. Kharge when he was the Revenue Minister and apparently still has a rapport with Mr. Kharge. There is a strong possibility of meeting with Mr. Kharge in coming days.



Thank you

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Sandeep, Murali Sir, thank you so much for meeting the minister. Thanks to the the minister for sparing few minutes from the busy schedule.

Last but not the least, Mr. Satyendarpal Chopra and Sandeep's father deserves all the appreciation for taking such keen interest even at this age. Youngsters like me need to take a lesson from these gentlemen.