The BBMP Technical Vigilance Cell under the Commisioner(TVCC) Engg., who brought to the fore, the possibility of a scam perpetrated using fake bills, has allegedly been humiliated in a BBMP council meeting - questioned for his inability to execute projects that were assigned to him midway including the notorious Kadirenahalli Underpass, The Tagore Circle Underpass(which was never needed) and so on...
The basis of the abuse was the belief of the seemingly Naive Corporators that since bills are computerised, there is no scope for scamming!
Full report here - http://www.deccanherald.com/content/208488/corporators-humiliate-whistleblower.html (Boy DH's reporting standards need a make-over)
This underscores how the system thrives on humiliation and consciously trying to malign one's character, peppered with questions about personal integrity. The engg. was allegedly declared unfit to be one! - we all know how fit our reverred corporators are for their jobs. (some will recollect how activists and students were humiliated by thugs at the Mantri Square protest in Malleshwaram).
What is even more interesting is that both BJP and Congress have their Corporators, MLA's involved in the scam possibly as it covers Malleshwaram and Subhashnagar areas, "ruled" by MLA Ashwath Narayana from the BJP and Dinesh Gundu Rao of the Congress. Considering that there might be implciit support from JD(S) to any complaints filed by citizens.
The main point here is - can we as Praja members do something to help ? - maybe file a report wth the Lokayukta so it takes the pressure off the BBMP whistleblowers ?
Objectionable behavior
Ironically enough, the MLAs and Corporaters expressed their sympathy for Gandhi Nagar division executive engineer Idaya Vendon, who was arrested in connection with the scam, and demanded his release and revocation of his suspension.
How can the Corporaters question a The BBMP Technical Vigilance Cell under the Commissioner (TVCC) Engineer off hand? The credibility of the corporation with a lady mayor at the helm will definitely be under a cloud with such irresponsible behavior. Here is the DNA version.
Why is Praja aloof ?
Deccan Herald has come up with a chronological listing of events and a summary of the fake-bills scam here - http://www.deccanherald.com/content/209229/scam-top-billing.html
I want to start a petition demanding this be handed over to Lokayukta because the state government seems to view the CBI to be a puppet at the hands of the central govt. and a question of Kannada pride.
Any other suggestions are most welcome. Lets put our collective intelligence to work!
Praja is not aloof, you are
Praja is not aloof, you are Praja & are raising your voice against this. We have made our intentions amply clear in various threads here & in main stream media here. A petition for investigation by lokayukta is a good idea but where is the lokauykta? As a progressive step going forward I think we need to push them towards more transparency in projects. Let us relook the WGPMS discussed in this thread & go back to the commissioner & ask how it can be made compulsory & effective. We can even do an citizens audit of the system for them. Game?
Was looking for options
Looks like this issue will get a quiet burial by the turn of events, so, looking for options to keep it alive for a longer duration.
I agree that a proactive approach is always good. In this case, the damage has been done and I personally believe that this scam needs far more attention than it currently is getting.
BBMP corporators and MLA's could not have asked for a better timing for the scam to unfold as the Lokayukta's post is currently unoccupied.
I am always there to pitch-in in whatever capactiy I can for all Praja initiatives.
leeches are at it again..and again..
"Palike already has a garbage contract in place but the corporators continued to pressure the head office to give ‘second shift contract’ to the persons of their choice,”
more here
this time its more than 50 crores which is the accounted part..when will they stop this!
Nothing can happen if there is no transperancy in the system!
joining forces
The Namma Bengaluru Foundation, and CAF sent petitions, as per this (except the last para), addressed to the CM, and they requested us to follow suit. Accordingly, I too have sent out a similarly worded petition, adding the last para, as suggested by a member.
Some more updates from DH -
Allegedly, the main reason why many Bangalore MLA's attended this meet was to complain about the current CM handing over the BBMP fake bill scam to the CID being led by Mr. Roop Kumar Datta who was a key member in the team that was instrumental in publishing the Lokayukta Mining Scam report and also the KIADB Land Scam in which Mr. Katta Subramany Naidu and his son have been granted bail.
Go Mr. Datta, we are watching with baited breath!