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March 2010

bogus voter list

We received voters slip (chits) from several parties before BBMP elections. Voting slip is the small chit with your particulars & may be candidates pic. Some of the chits apply to you fully. Others from the same flat do not make any sense though the entry Bldg or colony  is at the bottom and flat / dwelling no to the right lower end.

What you have is called a bogus voters case. If you have any such Voters chits that you don’t use (doesn’t match your profile) just give details.  Praja could handle the Master Voters list which records   apartment bldgs / colonies  as a location in specific  ward. You all have got your names corrected earlier yet new names have appeared against your dwelling.


Walkability & electricity

“Overhead electrical cabling is a hazard to human life and property and poses an obstacle to road widening.The danger is even greater during the rainy and windy seasons. Also, a lot of power is stolen by miscreants,”  - A Bangalorean is determined to convince the government to go in for underground electrical cabling in the city

 I think the KPTCL & Bescom need to take this up on priority. This is an investment worth making. I know the linemen will lose gimbla as it will become harder to enable people to steal electricity. More than road widening 90% of obstructions on sidewalks/footpaths are related to electrical poles and transformers.

Let us take this up with our new corporators who will be at work soon.

The BBMP Elections 2010

 "Electioneering for the BBMP polls virtually concluded on Thursday late night with the 66.19 lakh Bangalore electorate getting set to vote on Sunday. Technically the candidates had time till Friday 7 am to end their campaign, but with the ban on using the public address system after 10 pm, the candidates had to close shop on Thursday night."  See the TOI article here.  

The campaign has been very vigorous. The door to door campaign has been very good with distribution of election ID of each voter in a house hold. I have got this info from both BJP and the congress. 

Whats really ahead after BBMP election

dear all,

Its time to start redefining in our own minds, on who is responsible for what after the BBMP elections.

In the vacuum these last few years, MLAs’ filed the space for citizen grieviences.The BBMP engineers started to come directly under them. Task forces were set up to almost run the city. The parstatals (BDA, BWSSB etc) became more a law unto themselves. (The elections themselves will not change the parastals; a governance bill is required for that) .And citizen direct invovelement, even thro a badly run and set up ward committee disappeared (Again a governance reform issue).

First thing, is to realize that a MLA’s job is to provide and monitor the laws and rules of the State. He should have nothing to do with how or where a road is built in a ward.

The councilor is responsible for ward priorities and resource allocations, through direct interaction with citizens or ward committees. He has nothing to do with the engineering aspects or the actual commercial tendering decisions.

Some of them have moral and positional oversight over others, but not direct interference in the others jurisdiction.

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