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Mobilicity 2012

258 users have liked.
10 Jan 2012 09:30
10 Jan 2012 09:30


CiSTUP will jointly organize with DULT, Praja RAAG and host 'Mobilicity 2012', as part of its foundation day celebrations. It is envisaged that this event will have two tracks.
 The 'academic/technical track' to be held on 10rd January 2012, will be a day-long seminar with technical sessions consisting of presentations, interactions and panel discussions.
While in the earlier versions, the focus has largely been on 'urban mobility', this year the seminar includes other inter-related dimensions, and will have three themes – 'urban planning/design' with a focus on land use – transport planning integration, 'urban transportation/mobility' with a focus on multi-modal integration and 'urban environment/ecology' looking into issues of air pollution, urban trees/greens, wetlands/wildlife and rain water harvesting.
The intent is to highlight certain pertinent issues emerging through study/research and experience on ground, to inform decision-making, policy and practice. The idea is also to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders on perspectives, challenges, possible solutions and ways forward to address some of these issues. To this end, we look forward to participation from governmental and civic agencies, NGOs, educational and research institutions, professionals/practitioners, citizen's forums, public representative groups, the public etc.
Organizers: CiSTUP, DULT and Praja RAAG
Date, Time & Venue: 10th January 2012, 9:30 – 17:00 hrs, CiSTUP Seminar Hall, IISc, Bangalore
9:30 – 10:00 REGISTRATION 10:00 – 10:45 INAUGURAL SESSION
About the Workshop
Inaugural Address,
Guests of Honour
Presidential Remarks
Vote of Thanks
Prof. Sitharam, Chairman, CiSTUP
Minakshi Goswami, Urban Planner, CiSTUP
Smt. Sharadamma, Worshipful Mayor, BBMP
Shri. Shankar Linge Gowda, Commissioner, BBMP
Mrs. V Manjula, Commissioner, DULT, Urban DeveGovt of Karnataka
Prof. B N Raghunandan, Div. Chair, Earth and Environmental Sciences, IISc
Dr. Gururaj KV, Urban Planner, CiSTUP
10:45 – 11:00 TEA/COFFEE BREAK
(20 min)
Case Study: Mantri Square Mall, Malleshwaram
Ms. Radha Chanchani & Ms. Fagun Rajkotia, Urban Planners, CiSTUP
(20 min)
Landuse & Transport Integration - an afterthought?
Ms. Sujaya Rathi, Transport Planner, CSTEP
(20 min)
Making Connections: Exploring Planning & Design Strategies to link Land Use with Public Transit
Ms. Brinda Sastry, Urban Designer and Planner, and Adjunct Faculty, R. V. School of Architecture
(30 min)
PANEL DISCUSSION – Ms. Sujaya Rathi, Ms. Brinda Sastry, Dr. Robin King, Dr. Ashwin Mahesh, Ms. Champaka TR, representatives from BDA, BMRDA, BBMP Town Planning Depts (tentative) 12:30 – 1:30 BREAK FOR LUNCH
(30 min)
Multi-Modal Integration in Bangalore – Challenges & Solutions
Members from Praja RAAG/CiSTUP
(60 min)
PANEL DISCUSSION - Representatives from BMRCL, BMTC, DULT, BBMP, Easy Auto, Ride-A-Cycle Foundation, Traffic Police, Prof. Ananthramaiah, Prof. Ramanayya, Prof. Ashish Verma (CiSTUP) 15:00 – 15:15 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 15:15 – 16:45 URBAN ENVIRONMENT/ECOLOGY
(20 min)
Urban Green Spaces of Bangalore: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services including Air Pollution Mitigation
Dr. Harini Nagendra, Ramanujan Fellow, ATREE
(20 min)
Air Pollution in Bangalore
Mr. Mahesh Kashyap, Research Fellow, CiSTUP
(15 min)
Forgotten Functional Aspects of Blue Spaces in Bangalore
Dr. Gururaja KV, Urban Planner, CiSTUP
(15 min)
Rain Water Harvesting Policies & the Ground Truth in Bangalore
Mr. Shivakumar AR, Senior Fellow, KSCST
(20 min)
PANEL DISCUSSION – Speakers and Representatives from Central and State PCB, LDA, ESG (tentative) 16:45 – 17:00 WRAP UP & VOTE OF THANKS


pathykv's picture

Mobilicity 2012

194 users have liked.

Missed the event due to late information and later viewing at 12 noon on 10th Jan.

How did it go?


srinidhi's picture

Mobilicity went on well..

184 users have liked.

There was decent participation this time around in Mobilicity. However we did not have substantial representation from various govt bodies who were invited.

I was part of the multimodal integration are some updates from it:

IDS went on to initially present the case study about metro station at BYP and the lacunae as part of mode integration. This setup the context for the session..

We had Prof Ashwin Mahesh along with Murali(RACF) and Shailendra Singh(DULT) on the panel.

Ashwin started off with clarifications that BMLTA is the body which should be responsible for the multi modal integertion and suggested that the general thought should be to 'fund a policy and not a project '

He further suggested Process intervention' which are needed to track projects based on policies. He further stressed on the need for well defined policies and not just principles. He referred an example on the need for 'trip demand' approval for big transport related projects.

Murali expressed the need to spread awareness with public on the resources available.

Shailendra Sing mentioned that there are guidelines on how to handle mode integration.

Prof Ananthramiah who was initially involved with metro route planning, clarified on the metro route design that lowering costs was the only thought which was the basis for route selection, hence huge parking for cars was never on the cards except for few stations..

vvr's picture

Does it make sense to share the presentation?

170 users have liked.

If it does, I can post the presentation on Praja.



idontspam's picture

I can post the

189 users have liked.

I can post the presentation on Praja.

Please do... if you have it on scribd you can embed it here

idontspam's picture

Mantri Mall Traffic Study was

183 users have liked.

Mantri Mall Traffic Study was presented at the event. Below is the report


idontspam's picture

Multimodal Integration

170 users have liked.

Multimodal Integration session presentation


Multi-Modal Integration in Bangalore Rev1.2
kbsyed61's picture

Same solution was suggested for Mantri Mall Traffic Fix!

166 users have liked.


Thansk for uploading the CiSTUP studies. Quickly went through these and here are my observation.

On Mantri Mall traffic chaos fix, solution is laid out on Page 29 ( Figure 17: Suggested Traffic Management and Improvements around the Junction).

When cross checked with Praja discussion on this topic found that, you had commented with the exact same solution that is given in CiSTUP report.




idontspam's picture

On Mantri Mall traffic chaos

179 users have liked.

On Mantri Mall traffic chaos fix, solution is laid out on Page 29

Praja solution has been acknowledged on pg 26.

kbsyed61's picture

Missed that page!

153 users have liked.


Thanks for pointing that. Missed that portion.

Really appreciate report's recognition for solutions from outside and acknowledging the same in the report.



Naveen's picture

Mantri Mall Study

162 users have liked.

Excellent study compilation - modifications suggested are well thought out & make perfect sense -congrats to the teams involved !

The concluding remarks /recommendations are very well written (Wonder who drafted  it ?). Indeed "the answer is blowing in the wind".

Particularly liked these paras (Pg.34) :

pedestrians (rightfully) need to be provided the shortest, direct routes. Still, if a strong need for such a facility is felt, then it should be as a supplementary element, and not as a substitute for other fundamental pedestrian infrastructure improvements. At the same time, it is important that jaywalking is prohibited and people cultivate the habit of crossing at junctions/signals.


As a policy, the city needs to move towards paid public parking – both as a means to incentivize the use of public transport and to have private vehicle users pay what is rightfully due for their usage of space and infrastructure in the city.

murali772's picture

Can CiSTUP get into policy issues too?

185 users have liked.

The morning presentations were made by IISc students, and, from the quality of the presentations, it is fairly clear that CiSTUP has now more or less built up the capacity for undertaking tasks like preparing City Master Plans, etc. As such, it is time they are inducted into the process, rather than the plans being entrusted totally to BDA/ BMRDA, and their foreign consultants, like it happened in the case of the 2015 Master Plan. If I had understood it correctly, the contribution of the foreign consultant essentially was to add/ change colours (the tool was new to India then, and apparently they made huge money out of their mastery over it) as suggested the so-called planners in the BDA/ BMRDA, which again was dictated by some political masters (the likes of Katta, perhaps). Not surprisingly, it landed up as an instrument for turning the city inside out, in pursuit of lucre, while simultaneously causing irreparable damage on a massive scale, and naturally ended up with citizens fighting it - check this

A case in point was the Mantri Mall in Malleswaram. The student team, that had studied the project and made a presentation on its impact over the area, had not been able to access information from the concerned authorities on whether the further expansions of the complex were in place or not, even with being students of IISc. During the discussions that followed, neither did Mr Shailendra Singh (representing DULT) appear to have a clue as to what the status was. And, the officials from the other organisations involved didn't even bother to make an appearance, even after accepting invitations.

As such, the following comment made by a friend, after studying some of the CiSTUP reports, seems to carry a lot of relevance - "It appears that CiSTUP is geared more towards research and development. It would be nice if they have a wing which looks into urban issues, policy matters, regulations and governance. It would be nice if CiSTUP could step up and make policy/ implementation intervention to address issues which requires immediate attention". If cities are to benefit from such studies, they should not remain just academic exercises, right?

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

reform challenges

174 users have liked.

Doubtless the biggest single obstacle to deep transportation reform is a result of the fact that it deals with a highly visible area of public life in which just about everybody, from mayor to dog-catcher, feels that they have a high degree of implicit expertise in figuring out what works and what will not work in their city. . . because transport is something that they do every day and can see with their own eyes.

This is the Achilles’ heel of transportation policy, this very human tendency for just about everybody to feel that if they do it (i.e. move around every day) this means they understand it. The trouble with this is that transport in cities is a highly complex metabolism of great systemic complexity that is far closer to that of the human brain than say another glass of beer. Thus one of the main challenges of deep transportation reform — the only viable option available to us — is to help citizens and decision makers come to grips with these challenges of complexity, without at the same time removing it from their role as active and responsible citizens and placing it entirely in the hands of centralized experts. There is a major communications challenge here. And a very considerable governance challenge as well.

For the full text of those note by Mr Eric Britton, editor "Streets of India", click here.

Here's where PRAJA helps, right?

Muralidhar Rao
idontspam's picture

Mantri mall routing

176 users have liked.

Heard from Dr Meenakshi Barath that this traffic plan has implemented around Mantri mall. If any of you are around there post your comments/observations here

MaheshK's picture

As It is

192 users have liked.

I was at the Mantri Mall around 12.30 pm today. Same old story. Traffic bottlenexk. And now they have dug up the footpath also infront of the income tax office. Going from Sampige theatre to the mall is a a hell, had to walk on the road trying to escape from the oncoming vehicles. What changes are done I did not see, unless there are some timings attached to it, like peak hour traffic. And the Mantri folks have closed the left ramp (towards Mantri Greens) due to some upgrades, one has to walk on the foot path after coming out of the ramp on the right. comment guidelines

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