The Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) workshop to discuss the draft guidelines for Parking and Pedestrian Movement has been postponed to Aug 22, Saturday.
It will be held between 3 pm and 5.30pm.
The Venue is - Institute of Town Planners, India- Karnataka Regional Chapter, No. 16, J. Millers Tank Bed Area, Thimmaiah Road cross, Bangalore - 52.
Request all citizens, citizen groups working on transport issues and pedestrian issues to attend.
The draft guidelines can be accessed at - http://www.bmlta.org/DraftGuidelines
(Recd. from Janaagraha)
BMLTA meeting
Is any praja joining?
Suhas indicated he may join.
I will Try to join
I will try to make it.
Just Only a Start
Though the intent is right, this appears another half-baked effort in isolation & it's success seems doubtful to me.
When I queried why reversal of one-ways on many roads was not included in the policy since pedestrians were forced to walk long distances to board buses, it was noted down as a suggestion, without elaboration or explanation/s.
When someone queried about bicycle facilities, we were told that "another" policy for NMT /bicycles was also in the offing soon.
When the question of traffic restraining measures (such as high parking cost/s) was raised since excessive traffic effected pedestrians & PT users, it was pointed out that shopkeepers had agitated in the past about loss of business with such moves.
When the question of street parking facilities for bicycles was raised, no satisfactory answers were received.
And so on so forth.
At least, it's a start & there is some hope that pedestrian facilities might receive more attention than in the past.
Did anybody attend? I sent a suggestion email yesterday (may be too late?) and got a response that is probably a standard reply. Here it is:
Thanks for sharing your views on the policies prepared by DULT. We would study your ideas and consider it suitably.
Transport Planner.
Directorate of Urban Land Transport,
Urban Development Department,
Govt. of Karnataka
Ph: 080-22373780
FAX: 080-22373781