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Going around in circles

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Within one and a half years of its opening, the rotary yield junction at the busy Krishna Rajendra (K.R.) Circle is set to get traffic signals, mainly on account of the closure of the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi and opening of the alternative roads for the construction of the Vidhana Soudha underground metro station.

For the full report in The Hindu, click here.

Though the METRO project activity has been touted as the reason, it was clear from the very beginning that the design was ill-conceived, and will have to be corrected sooner than later. And, one and a half years was all that the government could hold on to the pretence of every thing being fine, even as the neta's themselves got caught up in the mess that became the junction. Well, this is the price the city has to pay for having total nincompoops doing the so-called planning, I guess.

Muralidhar Rao



rs's picture

Perhaps we should make a list

185 users have liked.

Perhaps we should make a list of all the stupid junctions in Bangalore - most of which can be improved with a little bit of thought. Another junction which really bothers me is the junction of Jaymahal, Millers and, MV Jayaram road.


The problem - Traffic coming form MV Jayaram Road ( Windsor Pub road )  going towards Millers Road/ Basveshwara main road has to run the risk of getting hit twice - once from traffic coming from the other part of Millers road and then from traffic coming from Jaymahal road. And there is NO place to stop in between ! Its totally insane - given that they spent 2-3 years `fixing' that junction.

Further, traffic coming form the East - on St. Johns Church road etc. going towards Chowdiah road has to go up a narrow bridge - near Dewars pub and then go through a couple of small roads ( Miller's tank bund road ) again running the risk of getting hit from traffic coming from Cant station.

Finally - there are TWO railway underbridges NOT being USED ! 

The solution - This is simple - make a roundabout. Let all traffic join the junction. Open up the underpass for traffic coming from the east.

This junction is going to get more important in the next couple of years now that they are closing Minsk square. Some of the traffic going there will get diverted here.






murali772's picture

back to square 1

195 users have liked.

Much like malfunctioning traffic lights, the problem of ensuring a smooth flow of traffic at KR Circle has proved a vexing one. A traffic signal was first installed at the junction, but that gave way to a rotary in 2009. Now it’s back to traffic signals. - - - After months of dilly-dallying, Shankarlinge Gowda, the BBMP commissioner, has given city traffic police the green signal to install traffic signals at KR Circle — one of the busiest junctions in the city. Gowda’s assent overrules a decision taken by the BBMP’s major roads standing committee to continue with the rotary system.

For the full report in the Bangalore Mirror, click here.

The following comment by a member in the HU y-group says it all

"Most of us had been asking for coordinated traffic lights at KR Cle for years. Instead they widened the road, axing 150 of the oldest Rain Trees of Bangalore. We are back to square one after a crippling loss to the environment. As a desert city we don’t compare even remotely with Jaipur or Jaisalmer... but BBMP can still keep trying."

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