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Indian Rly lacks proper sanitation: PAC report

220 users have liked.

Rodents in coaches, unusable toilets, unclean platforms and trains, no drinking water, poor sanitary conditions and dirty kitchens.

Out of 298 stations reviewed, 128 did not have adequate number of toilets and there was no water in urinals and washrooms at 21 stations the existing toilets were in unusable condition due to water-logging, leaking roofs, broken taps, damaged pans, tiles and walls, missing outlets and pipes, non-functional cisterns and poor lighting. Pathetic condition of toilets forced people to relieve themselves in the open, which created more filth. It was also found that 118 stations had no toilets for handicaps.

Punchline: India’s largest carrier has no standards of supervision prescribed for cleanliness since Railways believed that “standards of cleanliness are not quantifiable”.



idontspam's picture

PAC website

145 users have liked.

Doesnt PAC have a website? Can somebody point me to it?

idontspam's picture

And we are expecting this

140 users have liked.

And we are expecting this corporation to run bullet trains?

rmb's picture

It is a largest lavatory in the world

139 users have liked.
The other day I saw a program on TV where the stand up comedian was conducting a quiz program. One of the question, largest lavatory in the world and the answer was Indian Railway, according to him it span across India and any one can use it freely. What a pity IR which claim it has 90k Crores in its profit kit.
psaram42's picture

Our Railways are making good profit thanks to Lalu

130 users have liked.
 Proof of the pudding is in eating. Lalu can and should now think of making the railways the cleanest railway service in the world! I am sure he can if he minds it.

SB_YPR's picture

Links and comments

148 users have liked.

This is the PAC website. The report doesn't seem to be there, though.

Shocking to read about the poor standards of cleanliness on the railways. Fortunately for us, Bangalore City and Yesvantpur appear to be reasonably clean. The railways must address the problem on a war footing.

Manish, Nagarbhavi.



idontspam's picture

PAC website

142 users have liked.

Manish your link is a parliamentary committee on public accounts. Not Public Affiars Committee.

shrikanthn's picture

Link for the audit report

157 users have liked.

I am not sure if this helps

Also in the last year budget railway minister had discussed this issue, i hope its started for implementation..

Regards Sri
idontspam's picture

Maintenance outsourcing

154 users have liked.

Thanks for the links srikanth...

within the station premises the responsibility of cleaning the walls up to six feet (three metres in some cases) rested with the Medical/Commercial department whereas above six feet (three metres in some cases) the Engineering department was responsible. Similarly, for the foot over bridges on the platform, while the responsibility of cleaning the steps rested with Medical/Commercial department, cleaning the ceilings of the foot over bridges was the responsibility of the Engineering department. Cleaning of electric fittings and fans was the responsibility of Electrical department while the Signal and Telecommunication department was responsible for clocks and speakers.

This resulted in areas being left  unattended to due to lack of coordination

You bet it did. This is the most complex cleaning structure I have seen. Why dont they just outsource cleanliness to Veolia or some such organization?

Naveen's picture

What a Joke !

140 users have liked.

This may have been an old, outdated procedure that is still being followed for the convenience it offers for all railway depts to shirk their responsibilities, passenger conveniences be damned !!

Wonder when they will learn to be sensitive to the needs of the public - the public is also expected to co-operate better than they do today as it is so common to see people throwing refuse anywhere & everywhere, the moment it is a governemnet-public facility.

The KSRTC bus-stand (SBC) is a complete mess now with garbage lying everywhere & buses crowded & unable to depart smoothly.

idontspam's picture

Reinventing the Railway Station

139 users have liked.

Changing Roles of Stations is a good read

So is this on Intermodal railway station design comment guidelines

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