Source: http:// http://www.telegraphindia...
It is going to get increasingly difficult for BBMP to continue to remain the big brother and fix minor local issues at the street level. It is important to decentralize most civic issues to the ward level and concentrate on master planning and standards setting only. Each ward should resemble a mini corporation. Only then can there be effective implementation.
For once IDS post is having a positive subject !
IDS Sir, take it as pun.
Let us carry it further - The post has content,. Let us try to find variables and finally deliverables without going in tangent:
Size does matter so far as BBMP is concerned because Big may falter and its performance questioned; we have seen it stumbling very often while taking up projects that have mega millions budget.
- Reasons: lack of coherence in project contents, absence of scientific study of standard input and output materials (magic boxes cracking up), applicability of variables with Plans A or B (suddenly (?) facing different soil strata, sandy, loomy, hard and soft rocks during execution with rigged study reports while conducting soil tests), faulty estimates (wilful or otherwise resulting in escalation of costs of men andmaterial), inept and unqualified people handling technically important works (Metro rail girders collapses, cranes toppling)., worst of all, the syndrome of 'what is in it for me'.
- In order to overcome these drawbacks and weaknesses, authorities concerned conveniently outsource the major portion of the projects right from preparation of project profiles, reports, estimates, contents, variables etc., at a (negotiated??!!) cost that jacks up the project estimate. It may be either through BOT, BOOT etc., and it is a win win situation for both - the outside body and for inside bodies too. Because ultimately, each one can blame each one and escape transperency and accountability.
- Big may not be beautiful for BBMP - as IDS has rarely positively proposed, small may also be beautiful since it can be handled easily, used properly and ultimately succeed in producing the necessary deliverables.
- Vaanth Mysoremath
Perspectives dear friend
as IDS has rarely positively proposed
There are lot of positives and common ground you can find if you know how to look, but let us just chalk it down to difference in generational aspirations and move on.