There is a proposal for runing Mono Rail in Bangalore by SCOMI-Geodesic consortium which is proposed to be awarded using the swiss-challenge method. As per initial high level information sent to Praja the consortium is proposing to build monorail along the three corridors.
A total of 54 stations have been proposed. The Red Line will have twenty nine stations. Seventeen stations have been proposed on the Green Line. Eleven stations have been proposed on the Blue Line. All the stations would be elevated stations. The stations near Sujatha Talkies Rajajinagar and at Hudson Circle will serve as interchange stations between the Red and Green Lines. The station near St. John’s Hospital will serve as an interchange station between the Green & Blue Lines.
Three depots are envisaged for the three corridors. To have connectivity with other modes of transport and to ensure an integrated system with other modes, ancillary structures like structural steel Linkways, Skywalks, are planned
See attachment for the route map and station list
Attachment | Size |
ScomiGeodesic Monorail route map.pdf | 152.53 KB |
Some questions I have
Mono as Metro Feeder
It would be interesting to superimpose the metro route over this map and really see the touch points..
What can be gathered from the above diagram is that it tocuches at the following points:
- Trinity circle
- MG road
- KR road(near jain college VV Puram)
- Rajajinagar ind. town (magadi road)
- Yeshvantpur
On the out set the plan looks a little skewed..I am sure Scomi would have done lot of ground work before putting this in..however need to understand more on the capacity planning etc..
Still would say its a good dream to start..but..but very worried about all those grown up old trees on most of these routes...which may have to be eventually chopped!
this is fantastic
Very good project
In a city like Bengaluru where there is support for public transport, people would naturally give up their private vehicles if there is good, clean and adequate public transport.
I wish the promoters of this project would speed up it's implementation.
Trees and Green cover
What about pillar footprint
because many of the roads that the mono is touching is quite narrow and we will have to plan well so that we dont make the roads below useless!
Some questions
Some questions -
Bengaluru monorail
monorail corridors as per CTTP
Just wanted to point out to the similar proposal from RITES CTTP (http://praja.in/7-4-mono-...). In therem the monorail/lrt corridors suggested were:
Wanted to ask if CTTP supplied any inputs to this monorail proposal. Also, does this monorail proposal align with the multimodal hubs (where you will change from one mode of public transport to another) suggested in CTTP.
BMTC enough?
What will happen to BMTC? Will re-working BMTC routes not work?
These are good questions. The answer to this lies in traffic projections and capacity of mono itself as compared to buses. What Mono is doing is reaching areas not reached by metro but those that are served by BMTC. Are BMTC unable to serve those areas effectively today? Will route optimization of BMTC be enough?
mono - $35mil/km
Per this story here
Monorail Proposal
Rail vs Bus
mono as a metro feeder
One will not need to stand for a long time..as they do in busses
..as there are no traffic signals on the metro/mono lines!
..they dont spew smoke
..they dont cause jams
..they are silent
..They cost almost nothing to the govt...etc
Rail vs Bus
Yes, I agree with you that in terms of punctuality,cleaniness, dicipline,and crowd behavior there is no alternative to metro or mono rail, at present.
But still i think e.g. if the interior of the coaches can be designed with seats facing the driver and horizontal bars prodruding from the upper part of the seat -towards the windows, it will be more comfortable especially during off peak hours.
In peak hours the commuters tend to bumb into each other so no holding is required I guess.
The direction of the seat will change the seating capacity but if distance between the seats is left for two person to stand in between than we can have about a eight persons between a pair of seats on ONE side of the coach in a distance of say three and a half meters.
Regarding the buses, the new technology buses will not be polluting, will take only the seating capacity as the frequency will be more and have a dedicated corridor with syncronised signalling.
So I think BusRTS and MRailTS should also be compared with respect to commuter: comfort and fatigue and accessibility.
Blr requires public transport and that too a good one
Rail vs Bus
mono focus please
Wanted to suggest that lets not drift this towards metro vs mono vs bus debates. We have done those before, and can always do them on newer threads. Lets keep this focused to merits and de-merits of this mono proposal. Lets do a list of questions for Geodesic, and arrange a meeting with them (them as experts, not in any official capacity, remember, this is just a proposal) to get answers.
I assume at least 6-7 of us will be game for a technical Q&A session with these monorail advocates.
Route Looks Good - Few Additions
Route looks good to me and better than what RITES had suggested.
RITES had Metro in CORE and there were lots of disconnects in the mono route. Few additions could be:
Bannerghatta Road - As RITES suggested
Outer Ring Road - As RITES suggested.
Kanakapura Road & Magadi Road ?
Just wanted to highlight
Monorail-Metro Route together
Routes are well planned
Banglore deserve Monorail
what about RT Nagar?
Can it bridge the gap with New Airport
Mono can be motivation for FDI
Government should finalize mono quickly
Government should take the call to finalize the Monorail builder, routes etc by whatever method may be 'swiss challenge' or any other tendering process quickly. Delaying will cause escalation of costs, problems due to construction of underpasses and flyovers on the way etc.. Also, traffic has gone to the peak limit. It is the high time to start this.
Can ABIDe take this to Government.
Mono can beat Metro
Environment Friendly = Monorail
mono vs metro - match for Bangalore
Why play one up against another? See them playing together.
Think metro to be running chords and diameters across and through the city, and let mono run the rings, esp in central CBD areas. Why? because our city has big radial converging roads, which you can use for metro alignments, but running rings around CBD, or other residential hubs is practically very tough for a Metro system.
Buses could do that, and I would predict that eventually, BMTC may turn out to be an opponent of Mono proposals. Car lobby may like mono because unlike with buses (where prioratizing them would mean car-lobby losing road space), mono nicely hangs out in the sky causing problems only for the kite-flying-lobby (couldn't resist that).
If our city's big roads formed a nice North/South East/West matrix (sort of like Jayanagar, most of it), mono may not even have entered the debates. But this radial convering structure of major roads and high cost of building anything off of the roads and on the private properties means we must look at the two possible options in depth - mono, and/or the feeder buses. or LRT or anything that has low turning radius, very low footprint and decent throughput.
One question - With Big10 and HOHO coming in, will these routes change?
About this proposal - I had a chance to meet Geodesic folks today. Couldn't ask that many questions. But they have a lot of material to share, all except the ones that talk of financial details because they are after all competing with other possible bidders for mono in the city.
on steel stilts?
does scomi plan for that?
Scomi Proposal - Another Passing Cloud ?
Scomis's proposal looks far better than the CTTP recommended alignments for monorail. Scomi's routes slice through the city, enabling a much wider catchment area as also convenience to commuters.
However, the real question is - will the authorities bite ?
Several proposals have been made in the past by prospective makers, all to nothing. The issues have probably to do with financing & minimum ridership guarantees - financial risk may be the major cause. In addition, there is the problem of developing common ticketing systems between metro, monorail & bmtc. This may complicate revenue sharing between the three operators, in addition to high costs for developing such systems.
A further problem may be long-term maintenance of the system. Since monorails systems are non-standard, & have to be procured from makers, costs for spares may be on the high side.
So far, there is no announcement from the authorities - it probably is too early for that, or they may have settled for just the one mode of mass transit, viz. the metro.
Monorail proposal by Scomi-Geodesic
The Monorail proposal
Learn from Malaysia
Monorail and KL monorail
Monorail critisims include the following
The monorail appears to have significantly lower capacity than most LRT systems – even surface-routed LRT, which, with 3-car trains at 3-minute headways, could provide capacity of about 9,000 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd). in contrast, the Malaysian project is installing a light-capacity system with short, 21-meter-long, 2-unit trainsets and relatively short-platform stations. Even with a 2-minute headway, the capacity of the Kuala Lumpur system, using tolerable US loading standards, would be approximately 2,800 pphpd – about 31% of a surface LRT line. This light capacity undoubtedly also helps explain the seemingly low cost of the Kuala Lumpur project.
[Source: Monorail Malaysia, "Technical Characteristics", 23 May 2002]
Monorail advocates often argue that the ostensibly simpler beam guideways (beamways) for monorails may, on average, cost less than the support deck and trackage for an elevated dual-steel-rail system (which requires the addition of rail structure above the beamways). However, this cost advantage is probably offset by other limitations. For example, monorail switches appear to entail more complicated machinery, and have a significantly higher cost – about 15 times the cost of an ordinary railway switch, according to a recent study.
[Source: Parsons Brinckerhof Quade & Douglas, Inc., Advanced LRT and Monorail System Comparison, July 2002]
Monorail systems tend to average about 5-6 times the cost of predominately surface-routed LRT. Even compared to LRT systems with extensive civil works, like tunnels, subways, elevated structures, and viaducts, monorail costs still seem to average more. For cities selecting a preferred mode for regional rail transit development, this implies that investing in monorail technology means much less system spread, and less ridership, for available resources. [source: lightrailnow.org]
Critisims of the KL monorail system include the following [source: Wiki]
Integration with other lines
The Klang Valley rail transit system are not seamlessly integrated for ticketing or changing trains. The monorail, the newest component of the system, has been publicly criticised over the way its stations have been connected to the other systems. The KL Sentral monorail station is 140 metres away from the main KL Sentral building, separated by a giant car park and a busy road. Pathways were not covered until well after construction.
Recently, stalls for petty traders have been put up along the covered pathway causing the pathway to be crowded, poorly ventilated and difficult to navigate due to poor signage
The KL Monorail has accepted Touch 'n Go cards since August 2005 but does not accept the Rapid KL passes for the Klang Valley public transportation system of which it is a critical part.
Poor ergonomics
Not many escalators have been provided. Platforms are narrow and ventilation is poor. Users have to walk up and down many stairs to reach the platform. "Overhead bridges" allow passengers to cross from one platform to another, confirming the monorail's reputation of it being merely a joy-ride. The stations are also devoid of support for disabled passengers, lacking elevators or wheelchair lifts along the stairs.
In terms of the rolling stock, the ride is bumpy and there have been safety concerns, especially after the David Cheliah incident. The seating configuration, where seats are arranged in the middle of the carriage, have been criticised as it encourages standing passengers to stand by the doors and not move into the middle of the carriages, causing congestion when passengers embark or disembark.
Platforms are narrow and roofs are low causing uncomfortable waits for trains. Navigating the station involves climbing many short flights of steps. Escalators, when present at all, only head upwards.
Weaknesses in design and planning is evident at busy stations such as at KL Sentral. For example, at rush hour on a rainy day, passengers transferring from the monorail station to the main KL Sentral building have to cross busy Jalan Tun Sambanthan using a signalled crossing. Commuters would have to crowd at the station entrance before crossing the road.
Expensive rides
Ticket prices have also been criticised. Compared to other similar journeys of similar distances on other modes of rail transport in the Klang Valley, monorail ticket prices are the highest. For example, a one station ride from Bukit Bintang to Imbi (a walking distance) is RM1.20, while a longer one station ride from Masjid Jamek to Pasar Seni on the Kelana Jaya Line costs RM1.00.
Poor planning in construction of viaducts
Columns supporting the rails have been poorly placed at a few locations. Most notably is at Jalan Sultan Ismail of which the parts between Bukit Bintang and Jalan P Ramlee are one way. The columns have been constructed in the middle of the road, before it was turned one way, so much so that in spite of Jalan Sultan Ismail being one way, it remains a dual carriageway. This has been potentially confusing for road users.
LRT may not be an option evrywhere!
Heres an excellent video of the luas dublin LRT
However LRT may not be practicable everywhere..probably in selected routes like the HAL airport road to ITPL etc
The points specific to KL monorail you point out above is mostly implementation/design issues..these can be corrected while planning
More so, monorail is a feeder to the Metro in Blr, doing shorter trips..which is ideal for a monorail setup. This is unlike KL where I have not seen the mono integrating with the metro..
The other main thing is who will do LRT? Scomi has come forward for monorail but we dont have anyone for LRT!
Mono may not be an option everywhere
Look at the size on the tram-train in the dublin video and the capacity it offers (more than a bendy/BRTS or a mono) and the infrastructure they used for it (just rails embedded in a normal street), no special platform for the stop also. That street also was a standard 4 lane street used for regular traffic. Why would you need to be laying pillars and building stations when you can do that?
Light rail cannot be run in the same route proposed by Mono or the metro. Its route has to be defined based on the advantages it offers (ie surface+elevated+metro integration). Every technology has its place. I believe Mono is a technology for theme park like settings. Maybe in a touristy HOHO setting within downtown. In populous countries it is important to have traffic figures and ensure you are able to sustain traffic for the next 20 years atleast. If traffic figures dictate you dont need a high capacity system by all means go for the mono but check if the same can be accomplished alternatively. Bangalore needs multiple modes of transport including mono but it has to be defined clearly not by flights of fancy.
Why cant we look at a dedicated monorail to the Airport? at 90kmph you can reach in 30 mins from across town including stops.
Light rail routes
However LRT may not be practicable everywhere..probably in selected routes like the HAL airport road to ITPL etc
Yes that route is one option to connect MG road to ITPL or from Byappanahalli metro to ITPL/EPIP via whitefield road and also from byappanahalli metro station along 100ft road, EGL, Koramangala slong IRR, madivala all the way to EC. Lots of options which dont need pillars etc but also gives you the benefit of train capacities.
But this is a topic of discussion in Light Rail thread.
City's Needs Dictate What Is Required
I also believe that Monorail is an option for BIAL - costs can be lesser, so route lengths can be made longer (upto some convenient point in the southern part of the city). Capacity upto 12,000 per hour is also acceptable for BIAL, even with growth & expansion. Makers are also willing to finance, build & operate the system. HSRL is much more expensive, & due to this, the route length must be minimal - this is a major obstacle.
However, there are some disadvantages with Monorail, such as longer transit time when compared to HSRL, & due to this, a preference to taxis by some that may have otherwise used HSRL.
I dont think one should focus on the technology too much. The city's demography & needs are the key factors. Any system can be made to work, but to pick the right system out of those available is the challenge. Makers of the more established mass transit systems, such as Metro or Light rail, are unwilling to finance, build & operate the system. Thus, risks are transferred to the city.
Monorail for the city's inner areas appears attractive because of it's small footprint & operation without disturbing surface traffic or pedestrian movements.
Lightrail, very popular in european cities & with higher capacities, can use up scarce street space, already overflowing with traffic. Thus, though, it may reduce traffic later, the building phase might be quite difficult.
Many of the larger, denser US & British cities have done away with trams operating on the roads due to heavy road traffic - Mumbai is also an example.
LRT viable option
Also LRT needs almost half the space BRT needs and also can share the road space with other traffic..need not have a dedicated line always as can be seen in the luas video..
Mr. Laloo Yadav can help us in thinking in the right direction
Hey, I found something interesting on the web, as one of my friend already explained about Lalu’s initiative for high speed train, here is another masterstroke from Lalu:
India's Railway Minister, Lalu Prasad, came away from a Kuala Lumpur visit totally convinced that monorail would be of great use in India. He suggested that the City of Patna would be a great place to implement the technology, noting that the city suffers from congested roads. "I am impressed with the monorail. It can be emulated in India and we will soon initiate discussions with Malaysia," Lalu said.
Hope it will be rewarded to the deserving bidder
Bangalore should be the trend setter
Can Bangalore be a trend setter by being the first city to executing the Monorail project before the other city like Bombay and Pune which are also planning to set the monorail network.
Trend setting
Yes bangalore can be a trend setter by providing the best pedestrian facilities. That is a worthwhile competition.
mumbai has already started..
Monorail: - Proven track record all over world.
Safety record of Monorail is incomparable.
Happy deal for people of banglore
It's Early Days !
Hi All,
Whilst the response to this proposition for a city monorail has been enthusiastic, let us also remember that rides may not come cheap. The costs of construction & implementation are nearly as high as elevated metro & this will translate to higher fares since capacities are lower.
All the same, this might work out well as car users will now have an alternative & may be willing to pay higher fares. I dont think clerks will be able to afford this, as also many students. Thus, this service, already with a sophisticated image, may enjoy a premium tag attached to it.
Monorail: Best friend of Environment.
Since most are electrically powered, monorails are non-polluting. In 2007, the Las Vegas Monorail aided in the annual removal of an estimated 3.2 million vehicle miles from Southern Nevada’s major roadways and reduced emissions by more than 58 tons of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) over the course of the year. Most monorails run on rubber tires and are very quiet. Monorails are the most aesthetically pleasing of all elevated rail systems. Their sleek design blends in with modern urban environments. Quick construction time results in less disruption to the surrounding environments, whether business or residential.
The above mention example could be the an answer to those who concerned about environment and should get motivated.
Numbers will help
Can you share some traffic figures of the proposed monorail? how many people is it moving in the different lines proposed?
Most monorails run on rubber tires and are very quiet
I am sure people know that monorail has rubber tires already. Let me indulge, Are they tubeless? What if they are punctured?
Most cost efficient technologies
The Tokyo-Haneda Monorail has been operating since 1964. This eight-mile dual-beam system is privately owned and TURNS A PROFIT each year. The Seattle Center Monorail, built in 1962 for the Century 21 exposition, is run by a private corporation. In return for the concession to operate the 1.2-mile system, the corporation pays the city $75,000 every year. What private business would take on a contract like this unless profits were guaranteed? Profit is indeed an oddity in the transit world, as most transit technologies require enormous subsidies from taxpayers. Building monorail does not guarantee profit, but operating costs are almost always less.
Scomi-Geodesic monorail presentation today
This should be a great opportunity to get to know more about this proposal.
The presentation is at the FKCCI premises on KG Road (near SBM Head Office).
Now or Never - I dont think It's Early Days !
MONORAILS will be very popular with people / taxpayers
Monorail is a capital intensive infrastructure but payback in
Something some transportation experts have whispered to us over the years is that a lot more people can make a lot more money if light rail or subway is built. The conventional rail industry has established a stronghold and monorail is often discouraged by consultants. If you study the subject long enough, the pattern becomes clear. Familiar large firms recite the same untruths about monorail in city after city when rail is being studied for implementation, and they eliminate monorail in the early stages of planning. This is slowly changing though, major monorail systems being planned and built in several part of the world and their success will dispel any misconceptions about monorail.
mono rail
International identity
what will be the financial structure of the SCOMI - GEODESIC
A boon for office goer and the students
Students and the office goers will get a breath of relief as they will not have to travel for long hours in the messy buses and will have a fast and air-conditioned mode of transport to travel in the city
Some international example
Corporate world of the Bangalore should come forward
Murthy's contribution was BETL..
We have had enough of corporates (likes of Narayan Murthy's and KMS's ) interferences..because of them we now have the stupid..illogical BETL on hosur road..
..ask Murthy now and he will draw out another exclusive road to Infy facilities!
Monorail on track?
A financial daily in Malaysia said May 13 that the Indian state government in Karnataka approved a technical proposal from Scomi and Geodesic for the project. - Bloomberg
§§§ Tweetenator
yes..looks like mono rail is on track..
"Technical Advisory Committee set by the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike has frozen the alignment map submitted by the company"
nice details
The Comprehensive Traffic & Transportation Plan (CTTP) for Bangalore has proposed four lines of Light rail or Monorail, totalling 60km, to act as feeder services for the Metro under construction.
The proposed routes with a total 60 kilometres (37.3 mi) are :
- Hebbal to J P Nagar (Bannerghatta Road) along the western portion of Outer Ring Road (31.0km)
- Peripheral Ring Road to Toll Gate along Magadi Road (9.0km)
- Kathriguppe Road /Ring Road Junction to National College (5.0km)
- Hosur Road - Bannerghatta Road Junction to PRR along Bannerghatta Road (15.0km)
You can Download CTTP Report: bmlta.org
Thanks for sharing really nice details.
Monorail alignment
As some people have already discussed, am not sure how they have implemented the studies for monorail alignment. I do feel (no data to back it up) that they should extend the agara lake all the way to marthalli on the outer ring road. I see a lot of traffic and a lot of software technology parks on ORR. There is a large paying crowd here and an extension of a few km should give them a lot more passengers.
In the transinnova summit, I found them Geodesic very approchable. If somebody can setup the meeting, I am sure they may attempt to answer some of the questions raised here.
HOHO on SCOMI proposed red line monorail
Monorail route surveyed by SCOMI looks good especially red line covering important areas of Bangalore. Can BMTC run HOHO using mixed Volvo + Normal buses in either directions.
mono update
Monorail corridors for the City are close to reality with the project awaiting the approval of the chief minister, according to sources in the State Infrastructure Development Department (IDD).
Re: Mono Update
The same article, towards the end, says:
"Bangalore Airport Rail Link Limited is supposed to announce the appointment of the concessionaire in October 2010. “The monorail proposal may only be initiated by the government after the Phase-1 of Metro is commissioned (March 2013),” the ABIDe member added."
Wonderful. Now, that is quick!
Kudos to you Karnataka Goverment for the Delay!!
Why these people need so much time to plan. Mumbai Monorail trial run also got completed, we are still in the verge of planning. Kudos to you Karnataka Government !!.
Real estate prices had settled last year and again this year it is seeing increasing trend. Most of the money will go for aquiring real estate for the project.
Again, old buildings are demolished and new are constructed which may be acquired for projects like Metro / Mono. These will become a mere waste if demolished. These authorities should have a clear blueprint where Metro comes and Mono comes and should allow a prior notification to the residents so that they do not unnecessarily waste their hard earned money.
For example, many complexes are coming on 50 feet road of Hanumanthnagar whereas 2nd phase Metro is planned there.
Mumbai monorail issues
Scomi seems to have no answers at least at this point on the 'agility' of their monorail infrastructure..agility as in the turning radius..
...the monorail trains will have only four coaches instead of eight cars. This is because, say MMRDA engineers, the longer eight-car rakes will not be able to negotiate the sharp turns...
Also the cost per Km for the monorail is proposed to be 160-170 crores per km..isnt this close to the metro costs itself??
Btw why only scomi? Hitachi or Bombardier aint interested?
Why monorail into Majestic?
The plan, at least the last time I heard, was to first connect HSR layout to Majestic via Dairy circle..
Isn't the idea to build monorail is to act as a feeder for the metro..in that case isn't Jayadeva Hospital station of the metro(ph II) the closest in the feeder plan?
Why are they building redundancy by getting monorail all the way into majestic?
and in the process plan to chop down trees on the Nrupathunga road!
Agara-Majestic Monorail - A trunk route
Isn't the idea to build monorail is to act as a feeder for the metro..in that case isn't Jayadeva Hospital station of the metro(ph II) the closest in the feeder plan?
What about areas between Jayadeva & Majestic (Nimhans, Wilsongarden, Lalbagh, Corpn, KR circle, Chalukya Jn) ? They need to be connected to Majestic by rail too since volumes are already too large & these areas need to be connected to destinations in the other direction too (Koramangala /Silkboard /HSR).
I think this Monoroute will be very useful not just to help people coming off the Metro (at Majestic /Jayadeva /Silkboard), but to get to a lot of key destinations, incldg corpn. It's actually a trunk route by itself, not a feeder.
The route can be improved if it is aligned to cover Shantinagar TTMC & JC Rd instead of Lalbagh rd (by proceeding along H.Siddiah rd-JC rd). It can then include Townhall /SJP /NR rds also.
arent the routes covered?
What about areas between Jayadeva & Majestic (Nimhans, Wilsongarden, Lalbagh, Corpn, KR circle, Chalukya Jn) ? They need to be connected to Majestic by rail too since volumes are already too large & these areas need to be connected to destinations in the other direction too (Koramangala /Silkboard /HSR)
Nimhans/Wilson Garden is anyways coming under Metro PHII
Lalbaugh/KR circle already are getting metro in PH I itself
Chalukya jn comes under vidhana soudha/MS bldg catchment of PH I metro?
My only concern is why are we again promoting the hub model..making majestic the centre of everything..and if we still are making it the hub..let it have metro only..
More connections, the better
Nimhans/Wilson Garden is anyways coming under Metro PHII
Metro in Ph-2 will proceed northwards past Dairy circle along Bannerghatta rd. Dairy circle is not within walking distance of Nimhans /Wilsongarden.
Lalbaugh/KR circle already are getting metro in PH I itself
Lalbagh west gate is being covered by Metro in Ph-1, not Lalbagh north gate or Lalbagh rd where there are numerous comml establishments. Metro goes past KR circle, but without a halt (nearest stns will be at Vidhana Soudha & Central college-civil court area). Monorail will have a stn at KR circle, which makes it convenient for people who will find walking distances to metro stns too far.
Chalukya jn comes under vidhana soudha/MS bldg catchment of PH I metro?
No - though it is in the general area, the distance is too large for walking.
My only concern is why are we again promoting the hub model..making majestic the centre of everything..and if we still are making it the hub..let it have metro only..
The terminal-hubs of Railways /KSRTC /BMTC in Majestic needs to be connected by all possible means. A new hub is being created at Baiyappanahalli to remove some load off Majestic, but Majestic will continue to remain the largest hub & needs to be connected by all possible means, as do Baiyapanahalli, MCTC, Yeshvantpur, Hebbal & Peenya.
Network of Mass Transit Always Good.
It is good to have a network of Mass Transit although we may feel redundant. Monorail, the span will be less compared to Metro and may have less tree felling.
Currently there is lot of load on Hosur Road especially after Diary Circle till Silkboard Junction. Without a direct route, people may have to hop on and hop off many times and public transit may not be attractive as it comes down to the time of travel of Private Transport.
Current travel time to EC from Majestic is around 1 hr 15 minutes - 1 hr 30 minutes, it will come down to 40-45 minutes and offloads lots of vehicles, especially 356 series buses. What we need is feeder buses to EC running on BETL either operated by BMTC / BETL themselves instead of having individual company vehicles picking up employees resulting in chaos.
Other Monorail being planned from BG Road to Hebbal via ORR should be extended till Agara and this current route should be terminated at Silkboard or extended till EC on BETL.
Chaos starts from BTM towards Silkboard whereas proposed Monorail ends before BTM !
Monorail MoU inked..but..
The 60-km Monorail project is aimed at decongestion of Bangalore Central Business District (CBD) and connects Railway and Metro stations, TTMCs, schools, colleges, hospitals, etc.
The four-phase project begins with a 16-km Green Line connecting Majestic and Agara Lake. It will serve as a feeder to Bangalore Metro creating additional transit capacity.
Still fail to understand the feeder nature of the Agara - Majestic line..I understand feeders as connecting to the closest metro line..but getting it all the way to Majestic doesnt sound right..
Also the govt needs to be very careful on the ticket pricing strategy..the earlier Scomi plan was costing way too much..it should not end up like NICE road..where they are charing more than 3Rs per KM instead of 1 Rs per KM which is a norm elsewhere!
Mumbai Monorail Trial Runs
Just was going through Mumbai Monorail videos on Youtube. Sharing the same
Will Mono ever come to Bengaluru?
Maybe LRT
Soil testing for BARL is under progress in JP Nagar (ring rd) & elsewhere. I think Bangalore will not get monorail, but there may be an elevated light rail, first route on Magadi rd & the western crescent of ORR (ie. JP Nagar to Hebbal via Kanakapura rd, Mysore rd, Magadi rd & Tumkur rd), as had been recommended by Capita Symonds, UK.
See this comment
Also, Report in Deccan Chronicle
Monorail Ph.1 - Jaraganahalli to Cant.
The corridor between Jaraganahalli along Kanakapura Road and Cantonment, which is part of the first phase of the Monorail project, will soon be implemented with the authorities undertaking soil testing along the project route.
Report in DH
May be this route will be like a circular corridor
May be this route will be like a circular corridor covering part of the 201 BMTC Bus route and extending till cantonment.
Mono: JPNgr ORR-BTM 29th Main ?
201R goes along Marenahalli road, which is the same as one of the Metro routes in ph-2. Since mono routes are not going to duplicate any Metro routes (over long lengths), I think it may be aligned along JP Nagar ORR & BTM 29th Main. Will have to wait for the chosen route plan to know for sure.
Today I saw soil testing in front of Kamakya Depot for Mono/LRT
Today I saw soil testing in front of Kamakya Depot for Mono/LRT with board naming as BARL. May be this is for Bannerghatta Road to Hebbal route.
IDD Posting..
This is as per IDD database:
Dismantling Sydney monorail
aesthetics only?
The talk as to why they dont want the monorail as I could gather from the discussions are:
For a society(sydney) which is not much used to using PT(they dont have dedicated metro lines)..the above statements (except abt maintenance) looks at best frivilous..
Maybe lessons for us is that going proprietary using monorail might eventually hurt us on costs..sydney has a well established fast tram service and as it looks in the video, they want to expand that..so even we trying to explore the LRT (at grade wherever possible) should be the right thing to be doing I suppose!
Monorail again in news
Again monorail is in news by transport minister. There is still no concrete news on LRT between Bannerghatta Road to Hebbal via Western ORR.
Looking at the recent Metro RDSO reports and the problems it is facing in corners, especially in Reach 3 where RDSO has objected on the sharp curves and asked to construct retaining walls, mono atleast as feeder to Metro from inner localities like Hanumanthnagar, Vyalikaval etc to trunk Metro lines will be beneficial instead of constructing another Metro line passing through these areas as proposed by 'metro fans' on SSC forums.
Scomi is having serious quality issues in Mumbai. Ride is floaty and bumpy. Also monorails had quality issues with even doors falling down from moving trains!!.
Mumbai Monorail in limelight.. when will Bangalore get?
Last week was full of Mumbai Monorail News on most of the news channels. Although delayed, has come up good and praised by Mumbaikars. Built at the cost of 2500 crores covering 8,9 kms on a PPP model by L&T and Scomi Geodesic group in 2009 January and got inagurated after 5 years. Scomi monorails had some safety and quality issues like door falling down of a moving train, bumpy ride which all has been sorted out now.
What looks very impressive is the fare structure, starting at Rs 5 and a maximum of Rs. 11 for 9 kms. Rs.11 is not sufficient for 2 stages of normal BMTC and the conductor of Volvo would not allow you to get in if you have only Rs.11.
Second attractive thing is the sharp turning radius taken up by Mumbai Monorail. We have seen many problems for BMRCL especially in turns being objected by RDSO. Reach 3 is in a jinx.
Carrying capacity although not comparable to Metro, 500 per train is impressive. One would always compare cost per passenger per kilometre etc and lots of such analysis going around. In a tight , narrow roads, mono or underground Metro is the option to go. Elevated Metro would suffer from 'turning' disorders.
Most of the routes earlier proposed by Govt and Scomi (and even BRTS routes) is now taken up as Phase 2 and Phase 3 Metros which would materialize by only by 2024. Why not Govt reconsider Mono proposals as feeder to Main Line Metro and low density routes after monitoring Mumbai's mono.
Burnt fingers
Revisiting this thread 6 years later... just to post this story. Read the last paragraph without fail http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/railways/maharashtra-government-to-scrap-all-future-monorail-projects/articleshow/46939453.cms
I read the same thing in SSC. But Mono in Mumbai is like Metro in Bangalore, only short distance in operation. Full line is not yet ready. Why Maharashtra Govt taking decision after a short span of operation.
Bangalore Metro is also in similar phase from past 4 years.
Chennai stint with Mono Rail
“We are sure that Metro Rail will be open very soon; but after the failure of Mumbai Monorail project, it looks like even this government is quite sceptical on the project here,” said an urban planning expert who did not want to be named.
With GOK as usual delay tactic has helped Bangalore to get rid of Mono Rail.
WIth India seeing Mono Rail as failure for Mass urban Transport, its time to see Broad Gauge METRO and COmmuter Rail in long term for Indian urban Population.
Its policy makers short sight which is affecting infrastructure projects performance.