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June 2011

Solid waste to energy - BBMP's first plant ready?

Noticed an interesting tender from BBMP last week. It calls for:

Request for proposal (RFP) for Development and Operation of facility for conversion of mixed Municipal Waste Plastics to Fuel – 10TPD Capacity on (BOT) basis.

Bus # 333 Andheri - Mahakali during peak hours - A suggestion‏

I have been a regular office goer and hence would like to bring to your notice the difficulty faced going to office from Sai baba Bus stop to Agarkar Chowk after 8.30 am in the morning and then coming back from office after 7.00 pm in the evening  from Agarkar chowk.

Cycle parking bays

I came across a great initiative by some of the Praja members, to help promote cycling in the city. In addition to designing cycling lanes and stations at metro, it will be great idea to identify parking bays in CBD and other places in Bangalore to securely store our bikes.

18 multi-level car parking facilities to come up in City

The BBMP has now added eight more locations to the 10 it had proposed earlier, to develop a total of 18 new multi-level car parking facilities.  


BBMP and audits - Sad state of governance in Bangalore

While Anna Hazare’s campaign against rampant corruption in the country as a whole is heading towards a showdown, the following local news underlines the genuineness of the people’s movement.

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