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June 2011

Improving traffic flow on Residency Rd

The issue of traffic management in general and road-widening in particular touches on a particularly raw nerve for most of us. That the issue polarizes most, is evident even from recent discussions right here on Praja.

About using Transgenders in Traffic Control Program

Today while stopping at a signal in Veerasandra Cross/ Hosur Road Junction a transgender approached me for her(his) due.  Usually I wont turn up. Today I wanted to talk to him(her). So I offered Rs.10 as a talking fee :). I casually asked if he(she) would interested to help traffic control. The answer was positive but she(he) was hopeless that anyone would co-operate by seeing them.

Ward no 58 - messy ways of handling storm water drain maintenance.

The 80’ road in Indiranagar is a main road between HAL II and III stages, which are the two BDA developed localities of 1970s. Currently this road is witnessing a spurt of commercial activity. New posh commercial buildings are coming up on both sides. There is a big wide [approx 6’and 5’ depth] storm water drain along one side of the road.

ROB's & RUB's for Bangalore

To ensure speedy implementation of road overbridge (RoB) and road underbridge (RuB) projects at railway level crossings, the State government has recently accorded sanction to 60 proposed RoBs and RuBs in the State, including 12 in Bangalore, in one go.

Road widening - Futility & Alternatives

Road widening - Futility & Alternatives


BBMP listed 217 roads to be widened. This has caused much worry among citizens as it entails widespread destruction of both greenery & property. Why do so many roads need to be widened? What are the characteristics of congestion on this road? What are the traffic patterns on these roads?

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