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May 2010

Manivannan transferred, by minister Suresh Kumar?

Good news - Harsh is replacing him, papers are all saying he did good work at Bidar. But question question saar - why is change happening?

Start of Mysore says:

CRS for Bangalore


Per McKinsey report on India’s urbanization to 2030:

Commuter Rail meetings with Mr Ananth Kumar, Mr V Madhu - report

Yesterday was kind of a big day for this project. Some of us met Mr V Madhu, Principal Secretary, Infrastructure Development Department, Govt of Karnataka. And Sanjeev managed a meeting with BJP MP, Mr Ananth Kumar.

Murali, blrsri, N, IDS and myself were there with Mr Madhu, spent about an hour with him, mostly listening to his thoughts. He seemed like a high energy guy. And as it happens in the most of these meetings, the ball was thrown back in our court. Mr Madhu asked us to return in a couple of weeks with a report carrying all our ideas on CRS and an actionable way.

Sanjeev too, from his meeting with Mr Ananth Kumar, got this task of getting back to him with a solid presentation on Commuter Rail for Bangalore.

Mukha Mukhi -- Neighbourhood watch

22 ಮೇ 2010 09:00
22 ಮೇ 2010 11:00
Tune in to Radio Active(Community Radio Station) - This Saturday 22nd May 2010 Listen to RJ Auto Shiv kumar moderate the discussions on auto woes with the concerned authorities, general public and the auto drivers. Call us on 32210392 or 9743346113 with your experience with auto drivers in Bangalore ( 9am to 11.00am)
The note on the program

Be an Active Community Journalist - Give yourself the voice; tell us your stories on “Mukhi Mukhi” – Neighbourhood Watch

Killing the golden goose?

India is the world's most competitive telecommunications market. But, the 3G spectrum auction is going to land things as a fiasco for the common man, even while it is a bonanza for the exchequer.

The outcome of the 3G spectrum auction in the UK was disastrous. The 3G network did not diffuse for a decade thereafter, because firms were broke. They had no money left to invest in infrastructure after paying for the spectrum licence and interest. The telecom firms could not generate positive cash flow from 3G activities for a decade. In fact, the principal UK telecom company, BT, sold its wireless business to pay off debts incurred to acquire 3G spectrum licences!

What happened in the UK can happen in India. The firms that have bid Rs 67,719 crore for 3G licences may not have finances left to fund infrastructure. If they borrow substantially, the combination of licence and interest costs, to be factored into pricing decisions, will make 3G services expensive or completely unaffordable. And, as everybody knows, it is low price that enables high offtake of any product or service.

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