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May 2010

Praja Suddi - Inaugural Issue

Thursday 13 May

Urban Water conservation using simple technology

13 ಮೇ 2010

We are running awareness and participatory campaigns for Urban water conservation using simple technological solutions. We invite RWA's, Apartment Owners Associations, Corporates to mail us at for further details.


Cauvery water supply project being undertaken by BWSSB

Dear All

We have been hearing and reading in the newspapers that the government has under taken water supply project and some of the tenders for the construction of water treatment plants and pumping stations have been awarded.

As citizens,are we not supposed to know the following:

Say no to widening of trees-lined Sankey Road Petition

The proposed six-lane corridor is expected to result in chopping of about 150 well-grown trees. The widening entails felling of about 150 trees on both sides of the stretch, besides occupying a good portion of the historic tank. It'll/It'd destroy the beauty of one of the posh localities of the City.

Are Bangaloreans losing their good nature and civic sense?

 This is about an incident that i witnessed in Bangalore few weeks ago.

I had been to a single screen theatre few weeks back to watch a Kannada movie. The theatre was crowded since it was a Sunday. The problem arised when the movie started. The "fans" of the movie hero, started chanting his name and shouting slogans of praise for him when the movie name was displayed. This never stopped till the end of the movie, not even for a minute! They might have watched the movie before, but how is it right to spoil the movie for the others?? They were so loud that we could not hear the dialogues properly, none of us could tell them anything lest they charge at us for being so un-fanly.. I am a fan of the star too, but shouting the slogans inside the movie hall and disturbing everyone really upset most of the other audience.

The other thing I generally notice is the habit of many people in Bangalore these days to spit on roads for no reason at all! They dont chew tobacco/pan, still they spit on roads, on pavements, from bus windows etc. There should be some strict legislation to curb such bad habits so that Bangalore stays a clean city.

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