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March 2009

Electric Supply - A Chronicle

Here is an attempt to chronicle media reports related to our electric supply scenario. Let us update this list as we see related articles in the media.


19/July/08 - DH: Power crisis may worsen

Tried office commute using Big10 - a report

Big10 inside 28.22 am - Wife dropped me at the main road outside our complex, a Big 10 was waiting right then and there. Even better, the driver stopped for me to save me a 50 m walk till the bus stand. Good or bad, I wonder, but I did say thanks to him.

Top issues so far from the election survey

Here is how the top issues look right now (March 4) in the ongoing issue survey. If you haven't fill the survey out yet, please do so ASAP. We'll start our candidate interviews very shortly, so its important to build an "as popular" top issue list as possible.

Good response to Karnataka's Mega PPP on Roads

In this round-up report today ("States pip NHAI in PPP road projects"), Biz-standard reporter Anirban Chowdhury has updates on Karnataka's mega PPP initiative to improve state's highways.

Indian Rly lacks proper sanitation: PAC report

Rodents in coaches, unusable toilets, unclean platforms and trains, no drinking water, poor sanitary conditions and dirty kitchens.

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