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March 2009

Ground water scarcity

According to officials from Department of Mines and Geology, the groundwater situation is in a critical condition in Bangalore. The situation has worsened in the last three years. The average annual rainfall in the district is only 600 mm to 700 mm per year. Because of the drought in 2001, 2002 and 2003, groundwater recharge has been very low!! ******This is alarming*******.

I wonder why our government or our educated bangaloreans want to do nothing about it. Yes the government probably has a rule that Rain water harvesting(RWH) facility is compulsory in apartments and so on.... but who is monitoring it????  The apartment I live in does not implement RWH... Its a shame that the governing body is unable to enforce this..

Tax Sops to encourage use of Public transport (BMTC) ?

About the above discussion on Poor response BMTC I have following suggestion where in a common man is encouraged to use Public transport by giving Tax sops to him by Governament.

Google Transit for Bangalore?

Any idea about the plans for Google to include Bangalore in  Google Transit service:  ?

sanjay chitnis

Namma Auto - A Report

Hello All.
There was a project we'd envisioned a while ago - when Veerabasaiah started off a topic here about moulding some useful video content (from UK, and in English) to fit requirements of Auto driver community here in Bangalore. So there were some comments people posted about this, and finally we could procure the content that we need to work upon.

Bring back domestic Airport to HAL

Lets bring back the Domestic Airport to HAL. For domestic travel where a air time can be of max 3-4 hrs, the passengers have to travel for 2-3 hrs. This is ridiculous. The Airport is such an important part, it should be accessible at ease.

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