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March 2009

Sustainable water supply for Bangalore

Bangalore has always faced chronic water shortages.  Back in 1981 when the population was 2.9 million.  In 1991 when the population was 4.5 million.  And in 2008 when the population is some 7 million.   I don't think there ever has been a time when we have had daily water.   The past few years have seen a construction boom that has added to the strain on the w

Trip To Saragur

Participants : Deepak,Manjari,Pooja,Neha,Nishant,Sridhar,Kiran,Shekhar

On 8 March a few of us had the opportunity to visit Saragur and see for ourselves the work which is being done by Swami Vivekanand Youth Movement over there.

Bangaloreans contribute to city's power crisis: survey

Reported in The Hindu

Bangalore (IANS): While residents of India's IT hub are crying foul about regular power outages, a survey has brought out Bangaloreans' some "bad habits" when it comes to using and conserving electricity.

Open House with stake holders operating at BIAL

24 Mar 2009 16:00
24 Mar 2009 18:30

Got this from BCIC, thought some folks may be interested, esp since we have had so much BIAL related talk here.

Why so many buses on the Road?

"BMTC the ever progressing Gov org" Has anyone ever wondered why Bangalore city has so many buses plying on the roads?? Does anyone feel that the BMTC authorities actually conduct an analysis before releasing buses to ply on the city roads.

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