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November 2008

Monthly Praja meetings at Bangalore?

A lot of activity goes on behind the scenes here that doesn't show in blogs and forums. Not that members want to keep things private, but things tend to start via emails or conversations between island groups of members, and there is just no time to post everything in detail.

Albert Brunner to step down as CEO of BIAL

Cross posted from my blog

After 7 years, Mr. Albert Brunner will not be extending his contract with Bengaluru International Airport Ltd. (BIAL) which comes to an end in early 2009, and will step down as Chief Executive Officer.

Misuse of public money?

There is a proposal to build bungalows for the ministers (here is another article). The bungalow size seems high and extravagant (don't know how the size is arrived at).

The automobile industry burden

The U.S. auto giants General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are more a fine example of how things work in the age of unbridled corporate power. Of how the collapse of restraint on that power must fracture economy and society. They also set the very standards that the Indian elite lusts to emulate.

JDs Rally

JDs rally, the traffic snarl, the apathy of the political party and the HDK attitude.. anyone?

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