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November 2008

Delhi BRT - much to learn

Much to learn from this experience -


Wide & elevated rendered useless

For those who think wide roads, elevated routes et al is the solution - this is Hampton, zone 4 outskirts of London. I get caught in this rut each time I decide to drop my daughter off by car during morning rush hour.

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ASJ : about moving ahead on actionables

Hey SB and naveen, Thanks for your replies (to this comment), please find my inputs below..

"Anant sir, If you are willing to come forward and help carry out this survey, some of us here are willing to fund it."

How petrol pumps cheat you

I had written about this some years back and forwarded it to as many people as I know. These practices that I mention below still continue. Do your part and spread awareness to everyone you know.

Bangalore: Open Praja meeting

13 Dec 2008 07:30
13 Dec 2008 09:00

Trying to start recurring Praja meetings, see this post for background. Venue Lalbagh West Gate. Agenda: update each other on things we are into, think how to make our virtual group do more and help members collaborate better.

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