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November 2008

India Calling....

"Which raises a heart-stirring question: If our parents left India and trudged westward for us, if they manufactured from scratch a new life there for us, if they slogged, saved, sacrificed to make our lives lighter than theirs, then what does it mean when we choose to migrate to the place they forsook? "

Infrastructure Projects - Victim of Political Battle

During Delhi Elections, BJP has announced that it is going to scrap the BRT project that Congress started. How ethical and unscientific is this to scrap an infrastructure project just for political rivalry.

Bangalore has higest court cases filed and pending !

We all know about the state of judiciary and its access to our vulnerable sections. In hindsight we all agree that Indian judicial system needs radical reforms in terms delivering the justice in reasonable time period. This is not to put down our judicial system but we all need to be aware of the potential shortcoming the judicial delivery system has.

Belgaum Air travelers face more tribulations

After the closure of the AirDeccan Belgaum Mumbai Flight now the Kingfisher (earlier Air Deccan) Belgaum Bangalore flight, which was on a daily basis, will now fly on all days except Tuesdays.

More trees to be axed

Unashamedly they go on, road after road, for sake of wider roads trees are being axed


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