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Praja meeting @ City Railway station, Sunday Mar 6, 9 AM

262 users have liked.
6 Mar 2011 09:00

Here is a a good opportunity to put faces to the names we read, a meeting after a long long time! This is not only a chance to understand the operations of the City Station but also an event/place where everyone from Praja could meet.


  • Primary: Get a first hand feel of amenities at City Railway station.
  • Secondary: Meet everyone and get an idea of what Praja is, and what planet Praja people are from!

Details (Time, Venue etc)

  • Venue: City Station Entrance
  • Time: at 9:00 AM
  • How to find us: Look for people wearing black caps with Praja logo on them.

All those who have Praja caps please remember to bring them along :)

We will be meeting at the station so feel free to bring family and friends along.


Srivatsava's picture


184 users have liked.


Why not make it 'early' like our good old Praja meetings?

Just a comment and not a question, I must add!!

-Srivatsava V

manjari's picture

A time that suits everyone.

171 users have liked.

I am fine with earlier as well....
Saturday being a holiday, some folks might be getting up late so I suggested 10:30am.

Now that the post has been up for a while so not sure if we should change the time...
But if most people suggest earlier time then we could consider it.

silkboard's picture

dvsquare, Sanjeev, more - confirm please

187 users have liked.

Since folks are yet to confirm, can change the time to 8 AM if everyone would prefer the praja-style misty morning meeting :).

Sanjeev's picture

8 AM will be good as Praja style meet

183 users have liked.

@Manjari, Its better we have the meeting at 8 am so that we can reach the location with less trafic. 

Confirming about my coming on 26th Feb,  we will have it at 8 AM only.


dvsquare's picture

Confirming mine too, but can we make it atleast 9 AM?

190 users have liked.

or otherwise if all agree to 8, then also fine, will make it.

manjari's picture

So should we confirm it to 8am?

195 users have liked.

what do you guys say?

silkboard's picture

Not many confirmations yet, move to Sunday March 6?

190 users have liked.

Manjari, DVsquare, sorry to add to the confusion - But since not many seem to be interested on this date, shall we move this out to 9 AM the following Sunday? Saturday late morning traffic is a killer. Sunday 9 AM should get more people to join.


Srivatsava's picture

I am fine, either way

188 users have liked.

Saturday or Sunday, its good for me..

-Srivatsava V

manjari's picture

6 March is fine as well..

183 users have liked.

For me too, both Saturday and Sunday are fine. 

silkboard's picture

Alright, so confirming, March 6, 9 AM

184 users have liked.

Hope to see as many currently active Praja folks as possible.

3 confirmations so far, Manjari, Vatsa, and myself.

dvsquare's picture

count me too for 6th march

197 users have liked.

I will be there

R V Raja Rao's picture

Praja meeting @ City Railway station, Sunday Mar 6, 9 AM

178 users have liked.

As a new member  I was looking forward to meet all you but I unable to make it.    

dvsquare's picture

Anyone from koramangala side? carpool anyone?

187 users have liked.

Anyone going via koramangala or nearby area, carpool anyone?

silkboard's picture

we are on, hope to see some of you there

197 users have liked.

Just to confirm with the fence sitters, we are on. As Manjari said, watch for Black caps at the station entrance.

Sanjeev's picture


185 users have liked.

Hope to see more people



Ravi_D's picture

How did it go?

186 users have liked.

Sorry... had to pull out in the last minutes. How did it go? comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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