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Thank you - Kadugodi Pedestrian Overbridge Cleaning Campaign

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Thank you - Kadugodi Pedestrian Overbridge Cleaning Campaign
Dear all,
Kadugodi Pedestrian Overbridge Cleaning Campaign - Saturday, 4th October 2014
We Did It! Thanks to the support of all those who volunteered, we did a campaign to clean the pedestrian overbridge at Kadugodi, Whitefield Bangalore. Starting at 09:30, it took us 3:30 hours to complete the job. Sincere thanks to Amit Das, Jayanth Bhat, Deepika Jayanth Bhat, Rajashree Menon and Suraj Menon. Of course, a respectable mention and thanks to Sri Anand Sivaram, Manager, Whitefield Railway Station and staff of Kadugodi Police Station.
It was an experience of a special kind. We received "Thank you", "Good Job" and also Thumbs up sign from many who used the bridge during the time we were cleaning. It was nice to see some unknown people, readily volunteering and took the broom from our side and did cleaning for some time and then continuing to their work. As a coin has two sides, there were those who passing negative comments!.


It is just a beginning only.
Now, we need a few things in place:
1. BBMP support to keep the area neat and clean and fine those who post notices or flex boards on it.
2. If BBMP cannot maintain the bridge, a provision to handover it to the Railways, who are willing to keep the area safe and clean. (item 1 and 2 are my next objective).
3. About 20 dust bins to be kept on each corners of it (if anyone interested to volunteer and provide - welcome - need your help - any volunteers!).


4. During the campaign, I happened to discover a bigger issue issue that is happening in the area, which is not known to many. The toilets of the BMTC bus station are overflowing. BMTC are not listening to Railways requests to plug this problem. It will be an additional item in my agenda to get this hygiene issue resolved.

Temporary arrangement has been done to keep the area neat and clean for the time being on a daily basis. But permanent solution is what I am searching for with the co-operation of BBMP, Railways and BMTC.


Once again, thanks to all of you who supported, blessed us to take up this initiative.
Now, not as a challenge - but as an initiative - Are you interested to take up a similar campaign in your neighbourhood? If so, kindly share this and spread the word around. If a small team comprising few of us could try and do it, I am sure; you can definitely do it in a better way.
Sincere thanks,
Ramesh Menon
Saturday, 4th October 2014, Kadugodi, Whitefield, Bangalore


Sanjeev's picture

Thanks enon for efforts and updating

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Will Railway  Minister  or Bangalore Central MP / area MLA who are proud of 2nd Oct event,  why they did not coe here,  only they did photo event.

True to the words,  Menon and his team showed how things can be aintained which  is responsibility of Railways and citizens will experience good feeling while using the facility.


kbsyed61's picture

Kudos to Ramesh Menon and the volunteers!

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Ramesh Menon and all the volunteers who pitched into clean up the station deserves all the Kudos. I wish all of them very best for taking an vow to maintain it clean in future also.

Indeed their act is example to others.


Ramesh Menon's picture

I will have to say a big

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I will have to say a big thank you to the Whilefield Railway Station Manager and his staff who came to participate in this social responsibility initiative. As I wrote above in point 1 and 2, currently the maintenance responsibility is under BBMP and they are not keen on attending to the daily maintenance of this sky bridge, which is used by more than 10,000 people every day. What is urgently required is to get the attention of BBMP and let them act and if they don't, at least let BBMP hand it over to Railways, who may keen to keep the area neet and clean.

I do not have any comments against the no show by the legislator or other "more responsible" parties involved. I did inform each one of them repeatedly either through Social media or email. I am sure they have seen it and read it, but ignored it, due to reasons of their own.

More alarming is the act by BMTC authorities in allowing the overflow from toilets to spread all over the area near the track and the bridge. This is a serious health issue, especially with frequent rain. Could someone, help to get it highlighted to the attetion of the BMTC authorities.

Me being me, I always consider my responsibility to react whenever I get to see issues like this and get a temporary relief immediately and then work forward to a permanent solution. So, this is just a beginning and request more support, either by participation or by sharing it and highlighting it to those concerned. I am trying the same myself.

A strong awareness has to be created and a strong sense of "it is my responsibility too" to maintain my community neat, clean and safe for living.

Thank you all once again for the support.




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kbsyed61's picture

Write to MD of BMTC!

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We understand the upheal in getting BMTC or BBMP to do the needfull. Let's try taking up with the MD of BMTC. Describe the problem and support it with the pictures etc. If possible take a video, post it on youtube or any social media and send the link as well.

Send the complaint via registered post. If they do not respond see if you can get an appointment with Dr. Ekroop Caur, IAS, MD BMTC 


murali772's picture

just a thought

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Good work, Ramesh.

But, as I now understand it, the foot-overbridge cleanliness problem appears largely to be a case of leaves and other material collecting over the flat roof. So, wouldn't the solution lie in converting it to a sloping roof? If yes, may be you should get the MLA to fund it through the "local area development" scheme.

While at it, may be get the MLA to look into the bus-stop toilet issue too. Pathetic that BMTC cannot manage its own affairs - nothing better is expected of them, anyway!

Muralidhar Rao
Ramesh Menon's picture

Dear Murali, Dear Syed, and

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Dear Murali, Dear Syed, and Dear all,

Thank you for the quick updates. I am based abroad, but do visit Bangalore very often. So, taking appointment and meeting with the authorities during my weekend trips are too difficult, but will try during the next time. However, I will write to them, in such a way that it will work out to be effective. As regards to MLA, do not know, he seems to be less interested these days, may be if it was near the election time, we may get more attention!.

There are multiple problems. Lack of a garbage bins, which is resulting in people throwing out things at will. I searched the option of placing bins, but understand that metallic bins will be stolen, if placed. Second problem is the leaves falling, i.e. only at one place, where the roof is built slopping. The branches which are reaching only that particular spot could be cut. More than that, if there is regular cleaning happening, the branches could be saved too from cutting. What is annoying is the fact that people are throwing items like corns and plastic bags on to this roof at will. An awareness has to be created for public to use bins and necessary measures to educate public to take care of hygiene issues in a more sensible way.

Thank you again for all the support. If we can reach Mars in a cost effective manner, this mission will be achievable too.


Ramesh Menon


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kbsyed61's picture

@Ramesh, great!

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Hats off to you for taking keen interest in affairs of Bangalore even though you are based outside India. BTW, I am also based in US and have tried to do some things here and there.

Will be in BLR around Oct 17 to 24th.


Ramesh Menon's picture

Thank you Syed. 

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Thank you Syed. 

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Ramesh Menon's picture

Thank you Syed. 

185 users have liked.

Murali - how can we highlight this further?

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