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Effective handling of storm water

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Effective handling of storm water requires good roads without dirt. Normal dirt can be

  1. mud
  2. earth soil
  3. animal excreta
  4. Spitting
  5. Gravel
  6. Plastics
  7. Tree leaves / braches etc

Apart from the above normal items, it is not uncommon to find variety of all discarded items be it liquor bottles and left over food of night street parties. The sweepers appointed by the contractor do take of these items when sweeping the roads. However the mud / earth soil is left out. This eventually clogs the SWD as there is no filtering concept, mud traps.

All other types including electronic items are being disposed at designated locations in each ward without segregation. There is a lack of awareness even among educated people even in the BBMP.

BBMP under the present commissioner does not seem to be unduly bothered.

In our city of Bangalore disposal of waste is outsourced to contractors whose bids are the lowest. The bidding operation is handled by the Corporation of Bangalore. 

Disposal without segregation is a self inflicted criminal offence.

web based seminar is available from Forester University of USA on the net. [1] This shows the importance of scientific disposal of hAouse hold waste. High time the BBMP sponsors some of their people to take this webinar.

No foreign jaunt may be a stumbling block!

Join Roger Sutherland to explore the relationship between an effective street sweeping program and its ability to significantly reduce pollutants normally found in storm water. In this webinar we’ll explore the importance of urban streets and ‘street dirt’ as a source of storm water pollution, the elements of a successful sweeping program, the advantages and disadvantages of different types of street cleaners, and the cost of street sweeping compared to other storm water treatment technologies



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Importance of clean roads and mud traps for SWDs

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Roger C. Sutherland, P.E.

AMEC Environment & infrastructure

Roger Sutherland is a principal water resources engineer who brings over 40 years of professional engineering experience in watershed/storm water management planning, urban hydrology, storm water pollutant load estimation, and BMP modeling and design to Forester University.  Sutherland focuses on the practical application of hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality models to solve surface water problems. Those projects include the explicit modeling of continuous urban runoff flows, pollutant loadings and concentrations and the pollutant removals associated with water quality control measures such as: street and catch basin cleaning; low impact development (LID) practices, conveyance and detention practices; and the use of patented storm water treatment technologies. Throughout his career, Sutherland has completed over a dozen comprehensive studies of the pollutant reduction benefits associated with effective street and catch basin cleaning practices in six different states and overseas in Tel Aviv Israel. Sutherland has tested the pick-up performance of dozens of sweepers and has advanced the state of the art of that testing protocol. 

Sutherland is a recognized international expert in urban storm water load modeling and the use of both street sweeping and catch basin cleaning practices to remove pollutants from urban runoff.  Sutherland is the principal author of a state-of-the-art sediment transport based urban storm water quality modeling package called SIMPTM which has been used and continually improved on numerous projects over the last 30 years. Sutherland has either presented and/or taught at conferences and/or short courses on the topics of urban hydrology, hydraulics, and storm water quality well over one hundred times since 1975.  Sutherland lectured eighteen times from 1990 through 2003 as a faculty member for the highly successful “Designing Best Management Practices for Storm water Quality Improvement” short course sponsored by the University of Wisconsin. Sutherland was the co-editor of the Storm water Treatment Northwest Newsletter from 1997 until its discontinuation in 2009. Sutherland was a member of the opening general session panel at Storm Con 2011.  Sutherland was an invited speaker at the APWA 2009 National Congress held in Columbus O/hio where he spoke about the “Urban Myths Associated with Street Cleaning”. Sutherland’s teaching and expertise has increased the knowledge and skills of thousands of professionals on a wide range of topics. Sutherland is the author of over fifty publications primarily on stormwater quality modeling and the pollutant reduction benefits associated with cleaning practices.

Sutherland will also introduce to the unique Simplified Particulate Transport Model (SIMPTM) which can be used to optimize the sweeping frequency of various land uses needed to cost effectively reduce the amount of pollutants being transported by Storm water, as well as discuss these results and results from other SIMPTM applications. We’ll overview the various available best management practices (BMPs) and show how the unit cost of street sweeping compares to these alternative storm water treatment technologies. And, finally we’ll explore the growing body of evidence that demonstrates Clean Streets Means Clean Streams. Join Sutherland as he starts at the source of the problem – “Street Dirt” – exploring the contaminated sediment-like material that accumulates on urban streets and highways, the pollutants it contains, and its chemical and physical characteristics that influence the effectiveness of a cleaning program. We’ll discuss its influence on street runoff and why the quality of street runoff is important to an effective storm water management program. Additionally, we’ll review the essential elements of a street sweeping program for maximum effectiveness, outline the appropriate way to manage these elements, and identify the associated program and water quality benefits. In this webinar, Sutherland will also introduce and discuss the various types of street cleaners exploring both their advantages and disadvantages. And, we’ll learn how to test street sweeper pickup performance, how to evaluate the results, and why both matter.

Learning Objectives:
Webinar attendees can expect the discussion and education of the following learning objectives:

1.     Review the results of the historic Nationwide Urban Runoff Program’s assessment of the storm water quality benefits of street cleaning, and why those 1982 conclusions are no longer valid today.

2.     Learn about the contaminated sediment-like material that accumulates of streets and highways and why its effective control results in a reduction of the pollutants normally found in storm water.

3.     Identify the important elements of a street cleaning program that can be controlled and learn how these elements should be managed.

4.     Acquire the knowledge needed to test the pickup performance of street sweepers and the evaluation of the results and why this matters.

5.     Obtain an introduction to the Simplified Particulate Transport Model (SIMPTM) and learn how it has been used to optimize the frequency of sweeping that maximizes pollutant reductions from storm water.

6.     Compare the cost of street cleaning to other alternative storm water treatment practices using the uniform unit cost basis of removing a pound of sediment from storm water.

7.     Review the growing body of evidence that demonstrates how an effective street cleaning operation can reduce the mass and concentration of pollutants normally found in storm water.  


* Webinar presentations are scheduled for approximately one hour with a 15-20 minute question and answer session to follow. Webinar may exceed scheduled time. 
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