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PUSH for BRT in Bangalore

According to CTTP report 2007, 14 BRT corridors for bangalore was identified. There has not been any movement on this front, not even a feasibility study on the corridors mentioned. The corridors mentioned are..

sanjaynagar road widening urgent requirement

Off late, with the increase in number of buses and also cars, there is huge traffic jam From Bhoopasand-nagashettihally road and also at RMS Near Foodworld.  Has any one observed this is there any solution to end the problem  We are every day late to office due to this problem.

Join hands to write a Transport Policy Proposal for Bengaluru

Post Mobilicity, we, as a community, have this opening to create a Transport Policy proposal for Bengaluru using not just that draft we saw last week, but several such proposals that may exist today. What if we join hands to create a concrete document (a type of "crowdsourcing"), and try this as our first focused proposal creation exercise.

Way out of the mining imbroglio

Mining, like defence contracts, is prone to corruption. Extracting resources from the ground does not lend itself to the usual rules of competition. A mine is a natural monopoly and the state, which gives the right to mining, is also a monopoly. The two come together in the backroom and you get crony capitalism. What is the answer?

Street topography

 Here is a typical 2 lane street residential street, not too dissimilar from the ones we have in Bangalore. Notice the following

1. Pedestrian refuge even on a narrow street

2. Pedestrian crossings & frequency (second one at the top of the turn)

3. Bus stand and visible indicators for the same

LED street lights are here!

 The infamous richmond road flyover is always blamed for everything...First signal-on-flyover in the world..etc

But these days its in the news for good you can see one of the first implementations of the LED streetlighting..

Metro : Hypnotized

Summary: Do we have any other choices other than Metro? Are we trying to hide our deficiencies and closed our eyes to all the improvements? How good metro projections are? All these questions are very critical and crucial before we consider Metro project?


Do we have any other choices other than Metro? 

Traffic Fines - Revenue Realization

Managed to chart the fine & case data provided last year by the Bangalore Traffic Police to Praja.

Signal Cycle times in Bangalore

Cycle time data for various traffic signals in Bangalore by police station jurisdiction


Click for larger view

Proposal: Green Score system for KSPCB/BBMP

Scaling up infrastructure and managing expectations of the greens isn't an easy job. A protest worthy job here and a green initiative there, one would expect to see some balance, and even better a system to quantify such balance. What if a body (BBMP or KSPCB) was to keep track of "green score" lost or scored on every project running in the city?

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