The infamous richmond road flyover is always blamed for everything...First signal-on-flyover in the world..etc
But these days its in the news for good reasons..here you can see one of the first implementations of the LED streetlighting..
I could read the manufacuterers name as SEECOL on the lamps..tried googling..but not much info..
The lights are pretty decent..not really seen the full impact because of brighter vehicle head lamps..but still its a good step in the right direction..
Imagine the savings on power here..and check out the form factor..even a crow sitting on it looks really big!!
LED lights are the future..
"This(LED lights on richmond road) has minimised monthly electricity bill of the BBMP by Rs 23,776. In a year, the total savings will be Rs 2.85 lakh"
Glad to know that some things are going right atleast..
Lasts 5-6 years?
"This has minimised monthly electricity bill of the BBMP by Rs 23,776. In a year, the total savings will be Rs 2.85 lakh.
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, based in Delhi, had taken up the project on a pilot basis in association with the Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited in Bangalore.
The total money spent on the project is Rs 14 lakh."
Looking at the numbers given in the report, to recover the 14 lakh investment, these LEDs need to last 5 years. Taking even the capital investment costs into consideration, these should last 7-8 years for these to be really cost effective. I dont believe that these are cost effective.
Yes, I do undertand that its cost is not all about money. That they consume so much lesser electricity is a 'cost saved' on environment. But for these to become really ubiquitous and people taking to LEDs at their homes and businesses, it needs to make lot more economic sense than just eco-sense.
We have had the CFLs being introduced almost a decade back. Bescom also planned to sell them at subsidised rates. Despite all that, they still dont sell like the good old incandescent bulbs.
-Srivatsava V
US DoE in pursuit of LED lamps
Europe jumped the gun to shut down sales/manufactuing of incandecent bulbs ..and planned to replace with CFL..however there are some issues with CFL..
US played different..they wanted to overcome all problems with CFL's to come with the replacement for the bulb..below are their rules set..
Required metrics for the 60-Watt incandescent LED replacement, as laid out by DOE:
The first submission came from Philips themselves..its the right steps and hopefully the costs will come down too..
ROI on street light
The total money spent on the project is Rs 14 lakh.
Here is a comparison of the various options in illumination and which ones are the most efficient. Turns out other than the favourite sodium vapour, metal halides are good for streets but LEDs are catching up.
These have lasted only 4 mths
4 months and 11 lakhs down the drain
lack of expertise..or will !?
As the contractor questions..there is no way all the lights go off at the same time!
Also the reasons given are ridiculous..
1.It is difficult to work as the minute connections require proper lighting arrangements..thats the stupidest reason any electronic engineer can hear as connectors are always better designed and easily replaceable for circuits
2. Positioning the ladder is not so easy...why? dont then have those mobile ladders with saftey equipment?
3. Then there’s shortage of manpower..summane kathe helthare
Get the right people on it and get it working..but guess there is another set of contractors who would want to scuttle this project as a failure and will do anything for it!
summane kathe helthare
summane kathe helthare
This is something that
This is something that probably is a good candidate for pursuing with higher authorities in BBMP (and may be a good praja project too). LED is almost definitely the better option to be replicated city-wide; if the pilot project is killed, sustainability gets thrown out and the status quo remains. Is any praja in contact with BBMP personnel? Very, very frustrating for the citizen who is always at the receiving end of all the finger-pointing and pass-the-blame games.