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Karnataka Police Act

The draft of the proposed police act (table of contents and the body) are attached. The link is at KSP's site. Minister Ashoka mentioned (last line in article) that it is being reviewd.

Basavangudi Mela - Hell for Residents

Recently, Residents from Police Station Road, Basavangudi sent in this message to complain about "unnecessary blocking of public roads" and noise pollution.

Build TTMC on both side of a road

Shantinagar TTMC is built on one side of road, so we have 2 junctions on adjacent roads. Though those junctions have only bus traffic, still additional junctions formed. Imagine 2 extra junctions near hebbal junction  when hebbal TTMC is built.

Making Public Transport the First Choice

That was the title of the Nobel Memorial Seminar convened by 'Volvo Buses', yesterday (26th Oct) at the Leela, Bangalore.

Minibuses for better area coverage

The following request has been forwarded to BMTC to consider operation of minibuses :


Meeting with Mr Balachandran, Alchemy Urban Systems

Yesterday, IDS, Naveen and myself met with Mr B R Balachandran, an Urban design & planning specialist. Mr Balachandran has experience with Ahmadabad BRTS, and is a big backer of the BRT/BPS concepts.

How green is the mile?

The greatest charm of the Bangalore city is the fact that it is the garden city of India. While cities like Delhi, Mumbay and Kolkata cannot survive a day without CNG, Bangalore still has gushes of fresh air to offer. The roads of Bangalore have a cool breezy feel due to the trees around the sidewalk. Unfortunately Bangalore is loosing this charm.

The 'Upper house' concept - some replies

Dear Friends, this is to clarify on the concept of ‘upper house’ which seems to be widely discussed some time ago in Praja.

Why is BBMP broke - where is the money?

We are told that BBMP is broke, they have no money. How many of us know the reaon why. A growing city, with so much commerce (IT, BT and all) going on, how exactly would it be broke? No english is required to explain things, numbers always tell their story.

Bus Priority - calling for help

Bus Priority System may or may not be BRTS, but if you agree that the Bus needs some speeding up, and want BRTS or good enough half-measures for Bangalore, we need you. Bus Priority System (BPS) may seem like castles in thin air right now, but it will remain that way a bit longer if you decide to keep away. To your question - what help does the project need? Here:

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