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CRS coverage in Daily Salar Urdu News paper!

Commuter Rail

Courtesy Mr. M A Siraj (Freelance Journalist), a urdu daily news paper "Daly SALAR" carried the CRS article in two parts. Part-1 was published on past Sunday (Aug 5) and Part-2 on Wednesday August 7.

ಸಿ.ಅರ್.ಎಸ್. ನ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಕೇಳಲ್ಪಡುವ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಉತ್ತರಗಳು

ಏನಿದು? ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಪ್ರಯಾಣಿಕರ ರೈಲು ಸೇವೆ ಹಾಗೆಂದರೇನು?

Regarding Train Day

Commuter Rail

I saw a write up in Bangalore Mirror yesterday.  I am not able to access the BM website somehow to paste a link -> it would not open at home yesterday and now some filter at work is blocking it.

An NGO meet with BBMP officials on Lakes revival and maintenance


BBMP is contemplating to establish a structured system of high order involving citizens of Bangalore. It is a laudable claim indeed made by Chief conservator of Forests Sri Brijesh kumar of BBMP. To days TOI report has covered in detail the event held at IIM Bangalore on August 5th 2012.  About 125 odd representatives of 21 lake committees have taken part. 

ORR has become a private bus boarding point

Traffic jams

I am not sure how many of you travel on ORR near Marathalli or pass through the area. Multiple private operators start their long distance routes from the junction and they park their vehicles on Marathalli ORR underpass from 6pm through 9pm..

How Can I help the CRS Campaign?

Commuter Rail

I am busy, can't find time to help Praja members in commuter rail campaign?

Really difficult to dedicate time to attend meetings with government officials?

Just not possible to participate in all the public discussions on CRS?

Press Coverage for Commuter Rail in Bengaluru

Press Coverage on Karnataka State Budget Proposal on formation of SPV 'Bangalore Suburban Rail Corporation'

CRS Information Kit for Press & Media

Dear Press and Electronic Media,

Praja values and recognizes the potential of media in citizens campaign like 'Commuter Rail Service'. We take this opportunity to convey our deepest gratitude and thanks to you all for being helpful in highlighting the CRS campaign since August 2010.

Press Release on Commuter Rail

July 15, 2012

  • A public discussion was held on Sunday, 15th July, at SCM Hall, Mission Road to discuss and understand the potential of a commuter rail system (CRS) for Bangalore. For more .......Read Here

Press & Media Center

Welcome to the Praja's Online Media Center, covering the Citizens campaign for Bengaluru Commuter Rail Service. Thanks to the media, both electronic and paper, there has been good coverage of plans for implementing CRS in Bengaluru.

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