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Model Citizen Consultation Process


Below are the extracts from a brochure circulated by Ipsos MORI, a leading UK research company, on behalf of the National Health Scheme of North West London, seeking the citizen's views on the proposed service changes.


Kaggadasapura to old madras Road traffic

Traffic jams

I see always traffic woes when travelling from Kaggadasapura to Old madras road via Nagavara Playa, Due to many shops/ street vendors, Nagavara palya is very congested, and the traffic issue increased further very recently with new shops coming in like mega More and Gopalan mall.

Garbage Cities Garbage Mismanagement


Bangalore has got the Tag of a "Garbage city" recently due to gross mismanagement of Garbage collection and disposal.

What ails us?

Everything else

IDS put up a link recently about the trust deficit in Indians...more here

Apartment Law in karnataka

I wrote this up a long time ago.  Figured that it is time to post it on Praja.  Comments and feedback welcome.


Bangalore Police - Do not heed to rumors!

Dear All,

A VERY HAPPY RAMZAN to all our people !!!

Kindly note the message received from our Police Department,
The same is forwarded to you all to ensure that Bangalore is a safe and secure city., let us join hands together with the police department :

CRS Cost Benefit Analysis in 'The Hindu'

Commuter Rail

The Hindu - Rail line as a lifeline By M A Siaraj

Pesky SMS

A pesky mosquito is annoying and dangerous as it not only sucks blood for free, but drains the victim of his energy.

Real Estate Regulator

Urban Development

There was an article in the Economic Times today by V Raghunathan titled "Why india needs a Real Estate Regulator". He very succintly covers how the real estate sector is a mess and how everything is one sided in the whole deal.  Most of the article is self explanatory and well known.

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