Shivaji was a chieftain in the Pune area in Aurangzeb’s time. Aurangzeb as one can recall, was the last of mogul emperors whom the English defeated to take over the country. For the Wikipedia article click here [1]
Living in Indiranagar or any other BDA locality in Bangalore is like living in wilderness devoid an identity. One cannot blame BDA entirely for this a seeming short sightedness. After all engineers are supposed to put to practice the engineering what they have learnt by rote.
Well, its possible. You could go to jail if your comment is not in compliance with the dreaded IT Act. If you have been watching the news lately, you know what this means. Here is the Information technology act of 2000, amended in 2008, in full, sourced from a government site (Meghalaya police site!).
Traffic Police just launched "Public Eye" (discuss that on Rithesh's old post here). I was wondering why BBMP too can't have similar system where one can take pictures of byelaw or public space violations and upload to BBMP.
Cycle Tracks in Jayanagar, We have discussed this umpteen times. We have also discussed about how these tracks have become the parking spaces for other vehicles. Who should be held responsible? Govt ? Babus? Citizen's?
You ar all welcome to a discussion with Tenzin Tsundue on the recent developments in Tibet, the change in leadership in China and what all of this means for the future of Tibet.