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Photos from a walk around Domlur flyover

Pedestrian Infrastructure

Some pictures from a walk we took around the Domlur flyover. Really hard to get around here in peak traffic times.

Most common walk here seems to be change of direction from Airport Road to Inner Ring Road and vice versa. Coming from IRR, to go to airport road towards HAL/Outer Ring Road side:


A lecture on promoting good governance


Public Affairs Centre click [1] has been promoting good governance since 1994 through

A curse called "Address Proof"

I believe the constituion of India has a clause that says something to the effect of "All citizens are equal and should be treated equally". In reality, this is not followed though.

The 'Cash Transfer Scheme' debate


Of course, cash transfers have advantages too: they have lower transaction costs, more convenient for migrant labour, and might be easier to monitor.

Fighting Corruption: The Way Forward

9 Dec 2012 10:30

COALITION  AGAINST CORRUPTION cordially invites you on the occasion of ‘International Anticorruption Day’ to a Public Lecture on "Fighting Corruption: The Way Forward"

by Dr. Samuel Paul, Founder Chairman, Public Affairs Centre,

Right to Services - Sakala doing well? Numbers for you

Sakala launched in April this year, and the system should now have more than 6 months worth data for us to see. Thankfully, Sakala system makes a lot of data public. Just go to Sakala website, and then, on the right hand side, find links to "public reports", and report of last month, right now November.

A PIL for Namma Railu aka Commuter Rail Service (CRS)

Commuter Rail

Friends, some of us have discussed possibilities of filing a PIL for seeking closure or accelerating work on Commuter Rail Service (CRS) for Bengaluru. At this point, we are not entirely sure how well or fast the project is moving. Going by some reports, there is good progress.

A different kind of Sakrama

Urban Development

There are building violations galore in our city..the prominent among them is the building multiple units, more than the stipulation. For example a 1200 sqft plot having more than 4 floors is way too common..

Let us list all pedestrian danger zones

Pedestrian Infrastructure

Bheema, hope you don't mind me posting this in the DDC project. I was thinking that we list down all pedestrian danger spots that we touch daily in our commutes. 10+ new flyovers or underpasses on Outer ring road, but only 1 pedestrian bridge (near K R Puram). Its getting worse, with no visible plans. I am scared that I will knock down a pedestrian one of these days.

A welcome Initiative by Mr. Manivannan BESCOM MD


In Bangalore Trees pruning by BESCOM task force is a familiar sight. Often the sore point is “Who should clear the debris” I was delighted and impressed while reading to day’s Bangalore Mirror article. Below is an excerpt of the same:-

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