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Tree cover in Bangalore

I came across an article in 'The Hindu' which mentions that the tree cover of Chennai is 20%. Also, looking online I realised there is good amount of information about cities in the US along the same lines and how it is used - mainly for urban forestry.

Vehicle registration rate dips in Bengaluru


Media has reported that during the last six months number of vehicles being added to the city roads has come down drastically -

Importance of Lakes in and around Bengalooru for drinking water needs of the city

 The city of Bengalooru had plenty of lakes earlier. Unfortunately due to lack of concern and unabashed greed, a lot of them are extinct now. Lakes are a very important aspect in the over all water management for a city like Bengalooru. (Some rivers were flowing through the city of Bangalore, I believe).

RTO - A functional database

This TOI article reports progress in computerization effort

Saying goodbye to subways

In the past I had shared images of useless pedestrian subways near Hammersmith. Instead the pedestrian refuges were so effective and popular that the subways became disused. Work is still on going, but notice how the ugly space occupying lesions have been surgically removed to make way for a more likeable streetscape.

Community Bicycle Sharing

Canada is pioneering on the North American continent what Europe has been doing in the following cities for long.

Meet Mr Jai Prasad (BBMP) on Road Standards

14 May 2009 15:30
14 May 2009 16:00

We are planning to meet Mr Jai Prasad to discuss on Road designs in Bangalore. Agenda is:

Metro work on MG Road today

 Had a chance to use the bus today to office..the bus went through  MG road for a distance..havent been on this road for about 3 years now! The superstructure is slowly getting into are two photos..

Mad Auto-meters in Mysore

(1) Tempered auto meters in Mysore, and alos in Bangalore:

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