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Vote your favorite Praja Disciplined Drivers Club bumper sticker (Designs in attached file)

Option 1
8% (2 votes)
Option 2
46% (11 votes)
Option 3
8% (2 votes)
Option 4
0% (0 votes)
Option 5
33% (8 votes)
Option 6
4% (1 vote)
Total votes: 24

Metro Ph II to HSR..why Monorail?

Metro RailPublic Transport

 So the routes, at least the end points, are finally out from the DPR for PH II. I still dont understand what makes the DMRCL a better authority to develop these reports, no Idea of what traffic studies were done and what surveys were done..never heard of any..thought these are the basic inputs for putting out a plan report..

BCIC submits Commuter Rail proposal to Railway Minister/Board!

Commuter RailPublic Transport

Namma Railu project team will like to thank BCIC for submitting Commuter Rail proposal to the railway ministry at a pre-budget interaction with the industry groups earlier this week. Please refer to the business standard report today (Nov 26): BCIC seeks clarity on PPP.

Is Yeddy misusing BMTC buses?


Wouldn't you like to know if Yeddy is paying from his pocket for the self promoting Ads that are appearing on the back of BMTC Buses? If Karnataka government is paying for these ads, then what is the justification for this spending? Even if there is a legally justifiable reason, why should these ads have full body picture of Yeddy?

BMTC and publishing bus timings

BusPublic Transport

We all know that BMTC can't maintain a simple web site with details about their services and timings.

Is it possible to get an Excel sheet with all their routes and timings in regular intervals?

I remember seeing one before the first Bus Day. After that, I haven't seen an updated one.

Should we offer help in putting one together?

BESCOM sanctioned load and Fire pumps


Multi-storied apartments in Bangalore are starting to have issues with BESCOM sanctioned load and fire pumps. Though what follows pertains to the apartment where I stay (Brigade Millennium Mayflower in JP Nagar 7th Phase), it would be applicable to several apartments all over Bangalore. 

Bangalore Patrol - BWSSB - public interaction

Have a water problem? Just dial 22238888 for ‘immediate’ help.

Need volunteers and suggestions for water index project


To give a quick dump, Bangalore water index is a project, where we aim to track the "water health" of our city in a numerical way.
This involve all kind of dat ranging from the quality to the supply side. We aim to consider the cost etc as well while calculating this index.

For further details please refer

LOCAL Scams RTI and political activism


Seems quite amazing that since 2 1/2 years and even before the Govt has sunk in land scams and we all knew this from the politicians affidavits in elections but the lid was blown by the former CM and political opponents and RTI activists.

In the emergency how many more people were on the streets

Want to sue KSRTC [corrected]

BusPublic Transport

[Note from Modsas mentioned in comments below, user admitted to an error on his side. There was no error in the ticket issued by KSRTC.]

I am not sure if this is my confusion or problem with KSRTC but let me explain what happened to me recently.

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