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Driving License - Medical certificate hitches


My license became due for renewal mid-Dec, and with having learned the ropes at the time of renewal of my wife's license (check this), I thought it was going to be just a half hour's job for me at the Koramangala RTO's office.

Why regular traffic on BTM Roads?

TrafficTraffic jams

Many people who use the BTM stretch of the Outer RING RD face daily traffic jam for about one hour or so. The place am taking is between UDUPI GARDEN to SILK Board signal. The same in reverse direction. But the trouble is more in former.

Public have various versions for the traffic jam between these two points. The various reasons may be:

Water - Facts we should know!


"The world is not "running out water", but it is not always available when and where people need it."

"Every minute during the next 20 years, 30 Indians will leave rural India for urban areas. India will need some 500 new cities. If there were ever a time to focus on the smart growth of our urban areas, that time is now"

'Mysore too will get a Bus Day'

BusPublic Transport

On the first anniversary of the launch of Bus Day in Bangalore, Mysore will start a similar Bus Day service.

Electronics City Entrance Gate - Traffic issues

TrafficTraffic jams

Three points to discuss about entrance to electronics city

Routing around Ecospace and ORR


Have anybody noticed the routing of vehicles coming from Ecospace, to ORR, travelling towards Marathahalli?

I have tried to depict the situation here.     

CRS meeting with RS DyChmn Rahman Khan on 29th Jan

Commuter RailPublic Transport

Myself, Naveen & Sanjeev met with Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Shri Rahman Khan. The meeting was arranged by Shri Maqbool Siraj via Syed. He grasped the concept & subject very well since he has been talking about similar initiatives for a long time. He also understood the need very well and we didn't have to convince him on the concept at all.

Amenities at City stations - What is wrong with SWR?

Commuter RailPublic Transport

I am not an expert in the Indian Railways. Therefore, if my rant is in the wrong direction, I would really appreciate if someone can put me in my place.

Stickers sent to first 25 DDC Pledgers


 Thanks DDC Pledgers,

First 25 pledged members have been sent DDC stickers. We know stickers are not so user friendly for pasting in car bumber. You may find little difficult, please bear with that. 

1) Ensure that you practice disciplined driving else your sticker will be like any other fancy sticker. 

APAD <25/01/2011> Lane driving, but wrong :)


I am sure everyone sees usually. But wanted to record here. Also tried to track owner using but none of KA51 registrations are searchable. Location Koramangala. in Kripanidhi College signal. Vehicle is entering from 4th block side. Time approx 8.45am.

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