Have anybody noticed the routing of vehicles coming from Ecospace, to ORR, travelling towards Marathahalli?
I have tried to depict the situation here.
Wonder what is the logic behind making those vehicles take two u turns before merging with the ORR traffic. Many a time, especially during evenings, you see a lot of buses coming out from the tech parks taking this route- the double uturn - which blocks the ORR traffic for quite long.
Is it possible to avoid this double u-turn?
I am very appreciative of the traffic management that is happening in the area, inspite of the flyover construction mess.But this is one modification, where I cant figure the logic.
Broken Divider and Deadly roads - an accident today
A big Army truck lost control and almost toppled this morning near agara junction on Sarjapur road. This was because of the broken divider pieces lying on the road, which have become to commonplace on Sarjapur road. Luckily no drivers were hurt, because of the traffic light was red and there were no vehicles on the otehr side of the road. the city authorities are turning into inhumans! Something as simple as fixing a divider!It's been months since it's been like that. What a global IT high-tech city. It's doomed.
Number plate missing
Also if you notice these trucks have number plates missing or covered with mud. I am not sure what way we can catch in case of an accident.
Those dividers are really un-understandable
I have been complaining about the road dividers from last 2 years on the agara lake side road, starting from jakkasandra signal to agara signal. I myself had been a victim of those dividers, which resulted into me meeting with a accident.
Authorities are not at all concerned about fixing the dividers at all, and the builders/developers around the road (other side of lake) must be bribing authorities not to fix the dividers, as it helps their vehicles to take u-turn at any point on that road. If you see on that road, they have made divider from the jakkasandra signal to half way till that Lemon-Grass restaurant.
Now, we see the whole of sarjapur road, near the newly constructed flyovers, they have constructed those low-height dividers, which are really deadly for any vehicle. Remember people, there was a time a few months ago, when BBMP destroyed the low-height dividers at many places and come up with the a little higher dividers so as to avoid the toppling of vehicles in case they hit with dividers or like. But how come they are doing the same what they destroyed earlier, is that the only way government works, first construct and then destroy and then again construct. They are just wasting our hard-earned money on these.