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Karnataka, Lokayukta, Corruption!


A picture is worth a thousand words. Courtesy  - Deccan Chronicle

State of South Western Railways!

Commuter RailPublic Transport

Going through the minutes of the meeting for "Namma Railu Round Table Event at Cistup, IISc" last August 30, 2010, one get an interesting insight into mind and thinking of Railways. In this case, railways is represented by Bengaluru Division of South Western Railway.

BMTC pls compile - complaints and/or suggestions and send it

BusPublic Transport

The buzz about buses 

Coinciding with the city's spectacular growth, the erstwhile Bangalore Transport Service (BTS) transformed into the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) in 1997. Since then, its fleet has increased from about 1,800 to 6,000.

Making our Democracy Meaning ful

21 May 2011 16:00
Everything else


Dear Members & Friends,

Trip Number : BMTC or any city transport

BusPublic Transport

This is not new thing or research. But I am sure if a trip number is mentioned in display board it will help public. I propose to bmtc to include trip numbers in display boads. 

Example: For bus number 378 Kengeri to Electronic City, 

Bellandur lake hinterland development


The agricultural land below the Lake abutment forming the Bellandur Lake is being developed for residential / commercial use as the case may be. It is the present owners choice to convert agricultural land in to residential / commercial purposes as it has now come within BBMP area. Some who may not like to convert have that choice too.

Bengaluru Commuter Rail Service can be profitable within a year!

Any public service entity would attract a microscopic view of its financial viability. Given the poor performance of many state run transport services and even Delhi Metro, it is not unexpected for somebody to question the financial viability of proposed Bengaluru Commuter Rail Service (CRS), aka Namma Railu.

(Auto)mobile hotels

Urban Development

While we are all ok with such shops, as they provide quick solutions to auto/cab/bus drivers I am just wondering

a) Are valid license holders to do the business?

b) Is their vehicle authorized to use for such purposes (which shows white number plate)?

c) Does the RTO rules permit usage of private vehicles for business use?

d) Do the business owner pay taxes?

Manual ped signals

InfrastructurePedestrian Infrastructure

I appriciate this facility by BTP/B-TRAC. This switch enables pedistrians to intervene automatic signal so that a green signal is forced for road crossing. As this seems relatively new, no one seems using it. Probably some volunteering work needed to educate users. We need more such signals at highways.

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