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Civic amenities

Drive against Hoardings- Birdthday wishes etc - misuse of tax money by BBMP

Hi Folks, Hoardings on Birthday anniversaries greetings of an MLA or a corporator has become rampant oflate. It looks very ugly and disalarming that no action has been taken up either by High court or no move has been addressed to stop such practise. Instead of wasting our tax money on such useless purpose, why cannot they be properly managed in providing basic civic amenties.

IPC Sec 299 offence by BBMP?

 As she neared Krumbigal Road, she swerved to avoid a rotting pile of garbage, skidded and a private bus coming from behind hit her vehicle. When she fell to the road, the bus ran over her. She didn't stand a chance.

Talk on "An Introduction to Sustainable Development"

5 Sep 2010 17:00
5 Sep 2010 19:00

 "Development" is a word that is deeply entrenched into the consciousness of an average human being these days. Elections are fought and lost on this platform and the society is fascinated by it.

Is Bangalore a city with a soul?

 “Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her”. He said “Love must be encrypted into the DNA of urban planning… and transmitted into the artifices, buildings, road systems and hardware, which then tells the people that this is a city that you can love, and one that loves you back.”

Practical Road standards for manageable Cross Sections

 A road is not the mere outer visible surface. It is a volume to be precise. [This “Volume” concept is more attractive than conceiving a road as a  3-D object. Thanks to my visit to CSTEP some time back]. Its underbelly is the home of many services essential for the city / place it serves. 

BBMP Elected Corporator's Roles and Responsibilities

BBMP Elected Corporators celebrating their victories big way. Corporator in our area opened a new office and celebrated his birthday and new office inauguration on same day. With big posters around, loud music and huge tent, blocking the traffic on a road for one full day. No one complained. including me.. why? There is a fear that something may wrong with me/family if I complain... and nothing will happen to them.

Wonder what gives them this power.

While talking to my maid about the corporator, she said, Ma - they spend so much money on all this even part of it, if given to all those homeless people sitting near bus stop will save their life.. but who cares? It hurts and pains a lot inside... why are we "ordinary" and educated people just ignore this "Tamasha" happening around us? Can nothing be done? Isn't it time to wake up and check this out? Aren't Corporators responsible for helping the community instead of creating inconvenience to it? Where does this money come from? Who gave them rights to use Tax payer's money and "aam janata's" road? When this will stop? Will it ever?

Inputs to proposed Fire Safety Legislation

I'm posting this on behalf of Vivek Reddy of the BJP Legislative cell. Vivek is gathering inputs for a reform to the current Fire-safety laws and their enforcement. He was keen on getting inputs from Praja too. I had referred the following two threads to him.

Further inputs will be appreciated

* Who are the local experts on the area that could contribute to this activity?

* Are you aware of some measures and best-practices adopted successfully in other countries?

* Anyone who has knowledge of the law and can critique the current legislation?


Bangalore Patrol

Times of India along with Janaagrah launch Bangalore Patrol (starting tomorrow) says the cover page of TOI today. I tried to look for it online but couldnt find a thing about the same. But if you have a TOI around check it out, it is impossible to miss.

According to the Advertisement "Bangalore patrol involves a stringent ward infrastructure and services assessment programme with the singular aim of demanding direct evaluating and accountability from the local administrative and governance system."

They will start with 5 essential civic rights of water supply, Mobility, Sanitation, Environment and Public amenities.

It will measure the same in 198 wards. By doing so they intend to monitor the work of our newly elected representative's in each of the wards. In my opinion the best measure of performance and also at the same time we get a good idea about our city.
According to the article "Progress report will be based on simple objective performance evaluation criteria and will be freely available to the public, empowering them to demand answers" 

War Memorial OK - But not in my backyard, says Infosys HR Head

It seems the steam for opposition to War memorial is picking up. Apart from Justice Saldhana, now the ABIde member themselves are crying hoarse. But the circumstances seems to suggest something contrary to their public statements. It looked like, War memorial is OK, but not in my backyard.

Courtsey - Sights, Sound and Smell from Bangalore

"..The National Military Memorial was an idea originally mooted by the Agenda for Bangalore Infrastructure and Development Task Force (ABIde) headed by Rajeev Chandrashekar. But its own members are now coming out in protest against the proposed venue.
Mohan Das Pai, one of its key members who resides close to the park, said the idea of a war memorial for our heroes is indeed a fine one because their stories have to be told. “But the venue is certainly not acceptable to me.” ..."

For more read here

Fire Safety - project to bring awareness and seriousness

Project number:3185
Opened by:Ravi_D
Opened on:Saturday, 13 March 2010 - 9:13am
Last modified:Wednesday, 6 October 2010 - 9:36am
Operations:add Case | view all project cases
Project to generate awareness and seriousness about Fire Safety norms for buildings in Bangalore

This project is coming out comments like these (Awareness, Citizen's audit) from Major Kapur, Ravi_D and others on the discussions we had about incidents at Carlton Tower. Remember, it could be the mall you visit, or your office building next, and fire breakout is always one accident away. comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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