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Early bird offer - SWD Cleaning

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 The Place is at Indiranagar Double road. Excellent clearing of closed Storm water Drain of muck clogging the drains is almost coming to an end. Only hitch is that the Rainy season is also getting over soon. This work is now going on for almost two weeks.

This is the double road connecting BDA Indiranagar to 12th main Indiranagar. It enjoys SWD covered with stone / RCC slabs. 

The amount of black mud removed is enormous. It is taking almost two weeks to remove. I wonder where this mud is going to be dumped?

I have a suspicion that this mud as well as debris of many old dilapidated houses being demolished, is being dumped at the huge wet Land of Bellandur Lake.  

 May be it is worth investigating.

Above is a full view of the road further. The Indiranagar BDA is just at the far end of this road.


psaram42's picture

An early Roman day's Technology indeed.

152 users have liked.


 Is it very difficult to filter at entry the storm water to hold back the mud entering the drain? I wonder. The maintenance of our roads is far from satisfactory.

The local MLA of CV Raman constituency Mr. Raghu is now a days acting as a local corporater. He has announced about his performing pujas for each foot path development work being undertaken on 80 ft road, Indiranagar and several others perhaps. Similar pujas were performed year long for Tarring roads in the constituency.

tsubba's picture


149 users have liked.

wow!!! thats some erosion!! wonder how it is systematically controlled. yesterday noticed that at a construction site, the local erosion control board had installed plastic compound around the perimeter of site. must be more to it. must look into it.

one of the things is sand that gathers on the edges of roads. (in blr/mys areas, it is yellow. very visible. in hubli/dwd it is reddish/black gives a very mucky impression. have not seen that much of it in udupi/m'lore area.)

idontspam's picture

Rubble on the side...

178 users have liked.

 Was wondering why all that rubble was left lying on the sides to waiting to get back in. I found the answer here

SWDs are maintained by two departments within the BBMP. While one department should clear the silt and garbage, the other department is responsible for clearing it from the surface. If one completes its work, the other department delays it and the silt removed from the drains returns to the SWDs after some time.

Reminds me of the division of labour employed by railways cleaning dept. upto six feet one dept, after that another dept, speakers and other instruments the electrical dept.

I think the joke is on us, citizens.

psaram42's picture

Wet silt is heavier

140 users have liked.

 I was told that the silt removed from SWD is wet and hence heavy. The contractors who are responsible for the removal of the silt refuse to remove it when still wet. I had faced this problem earlier, in front of my house. I lodged a complaint. The silt was removed after a few days.


psaram42's picture

Wet Silt grows fungus

166 users have liked.


@ t.subbabhatta

Mud is carried by the Storm water from the road into the drain. This happens because there are no suitable meshes provided to hold back this mud flowing into the drain. Storm water just gushes into the drain taking all the mud on the roads along with it. The colour of this mud changes to black because of fungus growth due to wet conditions, over the years.

I am sure that It is not enough to dream for an international standard metro station for Bangalore. It is high time that suitable standards are developed for the design and maintenance of roads in the city of Bangalore as well. 

RKCHARI's picture

SW Drains

172 users have liked.

PSA Garu - Great photographs. Shows how myopic the authorities are refusing to consider infiltration methods at point of source in preference to open drainsns. Pity indeed.

Interesting to also note from Subbabhatta Garu's comment that wet silt collects fungus and that contractors given the contract to remove the debris that has been collected and kept outside wait for it to dry so that carrying them would be easier and more can be carried in lesser number of trips.

Yes, I too am sure the muck is all carried and dumped ner Bellandur Lake. The worst part is that in this maintenance heavy system, unnecessary monies are being spent to shift muck from one place to another. And because the concerned department never appears to be ready to clean the muck well before rains, it is always in a state of salvaging rather than maintaining!

Hope sense dawns on the authorities sooner than later.





idontspam's picture

Wet silt & rocket science

153 users have liked.

 The contractors who are responsible for the removal of the silt refuse to remove it when still wet.

So the sidewalks are dobhi ghat for them to dry their wares? What kind of contract is BBMP signing that they refuse to clear silt for such reasons? Dont they have the equipment necessary to clear wet silt? 

idontspam's picture

Roadside mud and drains

160 users have liked.

 This happens because there are no suitable meshes provided to hold back this mud flowing into the drain.

In most countries, seive/meshes only hold back items which are too big to clog the drains. It is hard to stop mud from entering drains using meshes. So the idea is to not have mud carrying on to the roads, this is done by growing grass or shrubs in any open area with mud including empty sites, sidewalks etc and follow-up with regular cleaning using machines like the below. 

blrsri's picture

act when it hurts most

164 users have liked.

was thinking a different angle to this issue..maybe the authorities are trying to leave an impression on residents here..

by leaving the muck uncleared for sometime will give a proof to more people about the work being done

what fun is it to clear it immediately? people might say 'kashtavanenu patte tutturi oodide ashte' types 

and then we have the overzealous authorities in Hanumanthanagar..

  • originally there was SW drain with normal Kuddappa slab..
  • they removed it and laid dressed kuddappa slabs..
  • and then they removed the same and laid concrete pavement blocks..
  • now they have removed everything and redoing the drain itself in steel and concrete..and that too in rains

Dunno why spend soo much money on the same job again and again..its like those sabhangana's being done up by corporators in their localities..they claim these as their achievements!!

RKCHARI's picture

Again & Again

146 users have liked.

They will do it again and again because:

a) They have no idea of the way the world has moved forward in such issues;

b) They can line their pockets again & again.

Simple, my dear Watson!

Happy wondering!


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