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Why Nandan Nilekani is my choice from Bangalore South

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I am a member of LokSatta; admirer of AAP's idealism and drive; would like to see NaMo as the next PM; but, as a Bangalore South constituent, will be voting for Nandan Nilekani.

I would like to set the agenda for Nandan Nilekani as below:

1) Become the Leader of the Opposition in the Parliament for now (2014 - 19), and set up an effective shadow cabinet.

2) During the period, help re-invent the Congress, distancing the party from the "family", perhaps with the help of RaGa.

3) Help re-invent the party in the state too, and give it proper direction.

4) At the end of the 5 year term, become strong enough to be in contention for PM-ship.

Though a member of LokSatta, I am today largely confining myself to Civil Society (Praja-RAAG) activism, from which perspective, I'll be observing Nandan's performance, quite as critically as I am and will be doing of others too.

Muralidhar Rao


tulasidhar's picture

Good thought but not practical

161 users have liked.

Has "The Family"  ever given a chance to any free thinking individual to lead? Look at what they did with Manmohan Singh. I (and I guess many others) used to admire Manmohan Singh and a move make him the PM made a core BJP supporter like me happy.  But It was fooled. Infact the nation was fooled.  Look at what treatment PV Narasimha Rao got. All because he tried to work with interest of nation and not just the interest of "The Family".  People say Manmohan wasnt motivational. How can he be when he ends up doing what he doesnt want to?

I am also an alumini of the same school as Nandan Nilekani. But does that matter?

Also think of today not of 5 years later.  We really dont know what can happen in the next 5 months forget the next 5 years.  Infact when we are voting for the MP;  we should think that we are voting for a PM. Otherwise we can end up with a unstable government which cannot take any decision.  So I would probably give weightage to 3 factors before deciding on my vote.  60% weight for the leader (i.e CM/ PM) 20% for the ideology and 10% for local issues and 10% for  the candidate.  So for me atleast choice of CM/PM triumphs over local issues/candidate.

Yes I am for a more presidential kind of voting system, where we elect our leader directly, instead of choosing 542 other selfish buffoons.

In 2004, who chose Dr Manmohan Singh as PM, it was not the people, not the mps. but one lady.

Fortunately it was Dr Manmohan Singh and not Shinde, Ashok Chavan or even Ajit Jogi.

Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

No offense meant to anyone.

148 users have liked.

No offense meant to anyone. But I seriously think the candidates who come out of companies and participate in elections are part of "advanced management" of the companies. Having seen how difficult its to get the "required" permissions,licences and land, companies have deviced this new methodology where they simply have their own "hands". Probably instead of bribing politicians they can get the work done by "compensating" these "own" politican. As per my thinking, this would save companies 1000s of crores. Its win-win situation. While company saves a lot of bribing and these "hands" will get many times money than regular compensation as executives. Additionally, no one would stop them from "advising" management from outside company for which they may get additional "tips" for their "expertise" in governement matters:)

Dear politicians, if you are going beneath chaape(floor-mat) our brilliant company managements can go beneath rangoli :) which is far exceeding of your golden talents :-D

PS: I am not naming any candidates here, so legally not bound to be suied for maana nastha( defamation suit)... :) But already many people have lost maana in my view. I will not vote them  at least for this election. But if they contest next election, logics are different. In my view they have to take a break from company or any other current job(like chairmenship) for at least 3 years then do so visible work then go jump into akhaada !

" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
murali772's picture

elaborations along my line of thought

151 users have liked.

The Congress may lose this election but it is not going to be wiped out for ever. When it comes back, I would like to see it evolve around a core of deserving people and having Nandan Nilekani there would increase my confidence.

For the article by Aditya Jha (who was ealier a supporter of the AAP) in The Outlook, click here.

More elaborations along my line of thinking.

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

And, on my preference for Modi as PM

147 users have liked.

The irony is that parties with socialist pretence —the Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh, Rashtriya Janata Dal of Lalu Yadav, Bahujan Samaj Party of Mayawati, et al, like the Congress party of the Gandhis they are modelled on, are family enterprises dressed up as political organisations, and even more compromised in terms of corruption and being in hock to corporate interests than the cadre-based BJP. Think Subrata Roy’s Sahara and Mulayam springs to mind, Jaypee cannot be dissociated from Mayawati, ponder the biggest scams in the history of the republic and the Gandhis emerge front and centre. Yet, Modi, a clean and strong leader and able administrator to boot, can more easily be painted as threat to the commonweal!

For the full text of the column by Bharat Karnad, professor at the Centre for Policy Research, in the New Indian Express, click here.

A highly readable article. And, like a good friend had stated "I have far too much regard for civil society of india, as of now, to keep these kind of things (meaning hardline Hindutva) in check".

Muralidhar Rao
vmenon's picture

aadhar and batf,,and jha's artcle

151 users have liked.

I have  severe problems when aadhar and Batf are just dropped in to a paragragh of acheivements, especially  on capabilty in public governance.

These are 2 very very controversial  things , both being done in disregard to our democratic institutions. So the  evaluation of this candidate also needs to discuss a style of wroking more attuned to the boardrooms( please show me a democratic company)than governance in the public space.

If anything Batf,put back third tier governance and the 74th anmendment by a decade at least.

and there's enuf on aadhar in current press.

The man is good sort , sure .But...




xs400's picture

AADHAR Scam and Oligarchies - No thanks

163 users have liked.

Maybe this is the time to forgive and forget and then suffer the consequences:

This article by Dasarathi will set you straight The oligarchic republic of Bangalore?

A few excerpts from the article

As many as 33,000 people travel through the airport every day, while 10 lakh people travel through the Majestic area, using buses or trains. The investment on the airport is 100 times the money spent on Majestic. 

"...Bolly sees in his dream is this: 10-lane freeways that have cars travelling at 100 kmph, without any slow moving traffic like bicycles, autos or buses. No pedestrian crossings, no footpaths. The airport and the Bollys' offices and factories are the centres of activity, and these are linked by the freeways. The Bollys live in exclusive gated communities close to their workplaces. The rest of Bangalore is just incidental, existing just to support all this."

And achievements - a nation of clerks for serving their overlords in the Developed  World.When the Aadhar scam is unearthed, Mr. Nilekani will be seen for what he is - a glib snake oil salesman.

No thanks Mr. Nilekani, stick to being a CEO, thats what you were trained for.

MaheshK's picture

Reservation in private sector

149 users have liked.

Where does he stand on reservation in the private sector? His party wants it. Can he start from Infosys? Hope NRN does not mind his good friend's intentions.  

vmenon's picture

disaster at BPAC debate

153 users have liked.

Hooliganism as we often see  in the disruption of parliment, forced BPAC to cut short their debate session with Ananth K , Nandan N ,Nina nayak , Ruth M.

Have to report sadly that it was more of a congress hooliganism today ,and NN displayed that he can't control his minions.And thats not a clean chit on the BJP.

AAP held a silent protest outside the hall , when the big ones were fighting it out , symbolising the  stfiling of the voice of the common man and sane debates.

was in second row , ring side seat ,

And Bpac  fairly naive to think that debates will not have a electioneering flavour , which is what NN is accusing AK of in his Blog.

the precipiece is steep in politics







Bheema.Upadhyaya's picture

Wanted to "enjoy" the debate

148 users have liked.

Wanted to "enjoy" the debate off late. Any youtube links @vmenon?


" My mantra to public bodies=> Enable->Educate->Enforce. Where does  DDC  fit?"
MaheshK's picture

B-PAC needs to see the reality

167 users have liked.

I watched the debate live for some time. Got disgusted when the disruption started. Had to switch the channel. Are these "party workers"? Just curious. How much were they paid?

BPAC needs to see the reality. I have been watching presidential debates in US snce1988. Let's not ape everything what west does. Somethings dont apply to our country. Hope BPAC learnt a lesson here.    

vmenon's picture


153 users have liked.

Definitely party workers, no doubt.also overheard in the melee some phone calls being made   

for others to bring eggs , tomatoes etc!!

there should be something of this in u tube , but did see tv 9 realying parts iof it.their web page should have some clips.



bdonline's picture

2) During the period, help

158 users have liked.

2) During the period, help re-invent the Congress, distancing the party from the "family", perhaps with the help of RaGa.

@murali772 Don't you think point number 2 is a bit of an oxymoron? Congress does need to re-invent itself. But how will it manage to distance itself from the "family" with the help of RaGa?


Infact when we are voting for the MP;  we should think that we are voting for a PM.

@tulasidhar I think this is where parties take you for a ride. Have you asked yourself, what is stopping these parties from putting up clean candidates? In 2019 they will come back to you again with another face asking you to vote for a criminal to see the "good" face in power. Imagine our plight. We saw how BJP performed in our state -- corruption/horsetrading/porn-watching. Yet we are forced to vote for the same people to see some face as PM? When will this viscious circle end? How will it end?

We as citizens have to send a message to parties that unless the put across clean candidates they aren't going to stand a chance. Delhites sent this message. That is why BJP was forced to change its chief ministerial candidate at the last moment (Vijay Goel -> Harsh Vardhan). We need to see this trend happenning in Karnataka as well.

I'm not rooting for any party. I just don't want to see crooks in our Parliament, who would rather indulge in horse-trading than ethical policy making.

wgwwd's picture

Yatha Praja Tatha Raja..

149 users have liked.

The events that happened at BPAC is clearly indicator of class of citizens we have. So dont expect any improvement at least in our lifetime ! When Prajas grow up, politicians too grow up automatically, afterall they are also same "class" of citizens too. I pity NN when I saw him beggin people. Hmmm.. BPAC also needs to grow up a lot !

Even National Anthem was sung at stage with such "high class" citizens had poor pronounciation ! Sad..sad...Its a Praja(I dont mean this website) tragedy !!!

- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first

kbsyed61's picture

BJP Manifesto - No different except NO FDI in retail!

161 users have liked.

"...Emphasizing its stand on a key economic policy, the BJP says it will welcome Foreign Direct Investment in all sectors that will create jobs, except in multi-brand retail..."

murali772's picture

Weighing the risks

143 users have liked.

There is a clear risk in voting for Modi — he is polariz ing, sectarian and authoritarian. There is a great er risk, however, in not voting for him. It is to not create jobs for 8-10 million youth that enter the market each year. One per cent rise in GDP rough ly adds 15 lakh direct jobs; each job creates three indirect jobs, and each job supports five people This means three crore people are impacted by one per cent growth. Restoring growth to 8% is prize worth thinking about when casting one’ vote. There will always be a trade-off in values at the ballot box and those who place secularism above demographic dividend are wrong and elitist.

For the full text of the column by Gurcharan Das, in the ToI, click here.

Yes, there's the risk. The question is which is riskier.

Muralidhar Rao
wgwwd's picture

My Aadhar card form got

151 users have liked.

My Aadhar card form got rejected. So I started negative research. Here are some links:


1) Why Adhar is is dangerous?


2) Shaky Aadhar


3) Not so private?



- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first

xs400's picture

Vote shrewdly to displace Ananth Kumar

150 users have liked.

I dont like Nandan nilkani, but liking is different from prefering, I would prefer to vote for him just to kick out Ananth Kumar.


And can the elections be postponed for a while? After all havent the politicians delayed everything for us? Maybe, we should ask for bribes for the election to proceed :-) The bribe would be: Work for a year and implement some of your promises!

murali772's picture

Brief Wikipedia snap-shots of Bangalore South candidates

148 users have liked.

First we have the Congress candidate Nandan Nilekani
Then we have the BJP candidate and sitting MP Ananth Kumar

We have the JD-S candidate Ruth Manorama
And the AAP party candidate Nina Nayak.

It would be instructive to read carefully through the bio datas of each of these candidates.
On Ananth Kumar, there is besides this article in today's Deccan Herald, based on excerpts from the book by the now retired former coal Secretary, Mr Parakh, which doesn't do much good to his image.

Well, the d-day is almost there. Now, it's your choice. Whatever, do make it a point to vote.

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

NaMo in Aap ki Adalat

151 users have liked.

- perhaps his first ever TV interview

And, here's a forceful write up in support of Modi by Amrit Hallan - makes for interesting reading, alright, even if lengthy.

Muralidhar Rao
xs400's picture

Modi - creation of spin doctors

167 users have liked.
I have no idea about Modi, sorry, all the discussions and articles and reports don't have credibility. Hallan must be from the spin doctor / System camp. Modi will dance to his inner voice, programed in by the spin doctors. I see a huge rise in prices of essentials, especially food. Massive corruption, riot engineering, and basically the entire country converted to a prison camp. Which is probably what the country needs.
srinidhi's picture

bas karo..ab vote karo!

164 users have liked.

No more campaigning and discussions.. :P

MaheshK's picture

door to door campaigning is allowed?

152 users have liked.

I believe its allowed. Saw it on the tv last evening. Easy to distribute notes. Just curious. What's the ongoing rate? B-PAC should know since they are aware of everything while endorsing all the 12 candidates from Blore.

MaheshK's picture

poor turnout in the city

138 users have liked.

Looks like its about 53% average. The so called tech hub with lakhs of techies who were supposed to vote. It was reported that the homestays in Coorg and other places are brimming with people. No guesses from where they came from. The long weekend and the reluctance to vote could be the factors? Those who did not vote, need to stop complaining about the city.  

Let's see what BPAC will say.

Sanjeev's picture

Detailed anaylsis needs

148 users have liked.

MLA constituency wise,  Ward  wise analysis needs to be done to understand where are the people not coming to vote.

Best thing is ask Big companies  security  in all companies to check employees ink mark while reporting  back to office.  Then they  should report  how many of their employees voted.

But some of the information collection may be sensitive, but  companies can do this by asking their security to check the employees finger for mark and do the counting for non ink finger employees.   This way people will vote,  as employee will feel unfomfortable while showing that they did't  vote.

If employees are working onsite at customer location,  they  generally miss the voting. Same for the below people too :

KSRTC bus drivers, coundctors,  BMTC drivers, Railway Loco pilots, TT's in Railways,  Supporting staf  in some of the long distance trains like Rajdhani, Samparka Kranthi, Durranto,  Exprees trains, Railway Gangmans  will not be able  to vote as they are doing their duty of keeping nation on move. 

As ballot paper  voting exists  only for people on election duty.  Their needs different thought  / solution to enable these people to participate in the voting.

xs400's picture

No Absentee voting = voter suppression

159 users have liked.

Another amazing fact. In the pseudo democracy called India there is no provision for absentee voting. How convenient! This along with incorrect and absent voter data, bogus voters, ballot box stuffing, paid news/votes, ...

and we have a winner! corrupt politicians.

Sanjeev's picture

Lokasabha Elections 2009 % analysis for Bangalore

153 users have liked.

Best ( above 50% )  and  worst bottom %

Bangalore North :
Mahalakshmi Layout 54%
Pulakeshinagar     41%
Yesvanthpur           40%

Bangalore Central :
Shivajiagar      51%
Shantinagar    52%
Gandhinagar  54%
Rajajinagar     51%
Chamrajpet    52%
Mahadevapura 55%
Sarvagnaagar 45%

Bangalore South :
Jayanagar     53%
Vjayanagar   40%

Bottom % Assembly segments  are not having much IT populations.  Its equally IT and Non IT people responisble for this low  voter turnout.

bdonline's picture

Weird statistics for Bangalore South

153 users have liked.

Would appreciate if someone else could cross-check this. I was going through 2009 vs 2014 electoral roll statistics for Bangalore South, this is what I observed:

In 2009 the size of electorate (registered voters) for Bangalore South was 20,31,030

In 2014 this has reduced to 19,98,508!

Mind you, I'm not talking about turnout here, but the number of registered voters. I was expecting to see an increase given new voters in the period of 5 years.

Data source:

2009 : http://ceokarnataka.kar.n...

2014: http://ceokarnataka.kar.n...

Sanjeev's picture

Good observation on Bangalore South LS seat

155 users have liked.


Bangalore South LS Seat
  2009  LS 2013  Assy 2014  LS
Registered 2031030 1782498 1998508
Voted 908622 986389 1113029
  0.447370054 0.553374534 0.55692997

Above is may analysis of last 3 elections for Bangalore South LS segment

You can check the Assy 2013 statistics here


MaheshK's picture

first time voters

163 users have liked.

No need for techies to become defensive. Truth is there to see.Thousands of them flocked to the vacation spots due to long weekend. No one can stop them.

There are thousands of new voters of 18+ age. That's the reason the percentage crossed 50. They voted for the first time, may be for the curiosity. Hope they know whom they voted for and why. It's just a fad that may fade away. You can see the ivote selfies. Come next elections, say BBMP, how many of the same will vote again?  Let's wait and see.

wgwwd's picture

Voting should be mandatory

152 users have liked.

Well, we now very well, We Get What We Deserve (eventually thats my ID too - wgwwd). So be it IT folks or whoever non-voter will get what they deserve.Having said that, there is another minute category who wanted to vote, but could not vote due to their national duties, essential duties, or registration rejected/delayed. We should exclude them from our blames.

Now, having seen the situation repeating election after election, simply all fundamental processes of govt services should be linked to voting. For example, to open up a bankaccount for an Indian adult, passport creation, employeement offer, renting out home(both owner/tenant), every body has to attach voting acknolwedgement (which EC is proposing), registration or any other suchbasic  transactions .. 

Though this looks ugly/non-sense solutiion, may a be simple and concrete step.

PS: Who will the ring the bell of cat? Need to mention here : LOL (Laughing Out Loudly)

- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first

MaheshK's picture

Singapore model

152 users have liked.

If anyone has access to today's Deccan Chronicle, there is an article in page 5 reg techies giving a miss for the election.

Singapore has compulsary voting requirements from eligible voters. May be India can take a look at it. The population is much less there as compared to India. May be its easy to enforce in that country than here.

wgwwd's picture

LK Advani has same thought...

145 users have liked.

Interesting today's news items(1, 2, 3) show LK Advani's statements reflecting the same idea! So, not bad, we are in line :) Wish more political will in this regard, pours in and something materialises soon.

But barring voters is *NOT* solution, rather bringing indirect measures as suggested in my last post is the approach towards solution..


Suggestion to Admins: Can we split few last comments to make a new thread as we are deviating much, but a new subject of importance as raised now. Thanks in advance !



- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first comment guidelines

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