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Cattle rearing in cities

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Public Health

There is, for instance, this Srinivagilu village road (which is an ideal link to the Intermediate Ring Road for Koramangala S T Bed layout residents, heading towards Indiranagar side), where, at any time of the day or night, you'll come upon herds of cattle, particularly buffaloes, moving about all over; in fact living on the public roads itself. With the alround development in the area, causing the property prices to go up tremendously, the owners of these cattle herds very likely sold off the land they earlier had, for tethering them, and are today using the public roads for the purpose. All kinds of new construction, coming up all over the place, is a testimony to that.

With the dairy industry having established itself fairly well in the country, it is neither practical nor economical (nor hygienic) to be rearing cattle right in the heart of a city. Perhaps, at the time of formation of the layout, and providing of the road linkages itself, the BDA should have given the cattle owners, say, a ten year notice period to phase out the activity, compensating them adequately, where required. In a developing city, there are enough other avenues for livelihood pursuits, even for the unskilled lot, if that be the issue.
That the BDA did not do what was required, does not absolve the elected representatives of their responsibility of keeping a proper check on the goings on in these village pockets. The truth besides is that most of these villages are the pocket boroughs of local politicians, where every kind of activity (invariably illegal) is controlled by them. They are so powerful that, in Madiwala, they even managed to divert the National Highway through adjoining Koramangala - check this.
Another important aspect in this regard is that of ethical treatment of the animals in question. Making them spend their days and nights on concrete roads is certainly violative of the norms in this regard. It is time the matter is debated thoroughly, and proper solutions found.
Muralidhar Rao


Bangalore is Mine's picture

City limits should be made applicable

226 users have liked.

I am in agreement with you. Infact, concerned authorities should make it mandatory to apply city limits for movement of bullock carts, tractors ( specially used to transport building materials)

If limits are made for movement of heavy duty trailers ( they need to move only on ring roads and during specific timings only) , they can as well make it for the above.

However, in a system, where the traffic commisioner is organising ' road shows' ( also, Central govt is providing income tax benfits for pedestrian safety initiatves), the state of our footpaths makes one feel that we live in a Banana Republic with scant regard for laws. Hence, I am not sure if the law is passed for the above suggestions, it will be implemented in spirit

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