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Bengaluru Railway stations

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The following piece brings back to focus an issue that we have been tolerating for long. Bengaluru’s railway station improvements have never implemented in totality thereby leaving a pathetic piece of infrastructure that passes for railway station.

A bag full of woes

First off, I haven’t seen a convincing master plan on how a central station for Bengaluru should really look and what trains need to come there. What are the features it should have for being passenger friendly, clean, functional and easy to use.

Secondly, Each time some flights of fancy like flyovers are talked about it goes into some black hole only Laloo Prasad really knows. There have been piecemeal improvements done like putting really smooth slippery-when-wet-mortally-dangerous mosaic tiles only on platform 1 which do more harm than good. The money that went into tiles could have been used to put up dustbins on every pillar, escalators, trolleys to carry luggage.

The parking lot is a toilet (reminds me of our beloved HAL airport, there is some magnetism between cars and toilet. Maybe the agent is called drivers). Whats preventing them from building a multilevel parking lot and drop off zones. Currently the drop off area is dangerous to passengers

Why do we have to put up with such an apology of infrastructure?


Vasanthkumar Mysoremath's picture

Open Loos of Lalooji's railway lands

217 users have liked.


I agree Sir and instead of above ground, it would be better to have spacious underground parking facility - otherwise, another concrete monster to spew CO2 will spring. 

My further observations:

(2)  Add to this the panoramic (!) views of open loos/garbage dumps of unprotected railway lands that criss cross our .  The land on either side of the railway tracks is an apology for a well earned name of the Indian Railway. 

If the Railways can maintain these tracts of land by planting shrubs, small flower  nectar, fruits and seeds yielding varieties, it will go a long way in maintaining a foodchain for our avion, wild animals and other species of living beings who have an equal right and claim of this delicate world of ours.  

This initiative is accutely felt in urban areas because valuable railway lands are lying along the tracts unkempt and for those who enter the city in the early hours it is a nauseating experience of open shows and stink.

(2)  The Railway Yard / Goods Shed area are other neglected areas - Hi-mast lighting system appears to be insufficient -  shady characters/railway property thieves/women have been seen moving after sundown.  

(3)  Facilities for disabled and physically handicapped persons are insufficient and need to be further improved.

(4)  Senior citizens find it extremely difficult to climb those 30+ steep steps; solution: provide Escalators for all.  

-  Vasanth Mysoremath

idontspam's picture

Other stations better off?

200 users have liked.

I would like to hear about experiences from other stations around the country which seem to be better off. I have heard secundrabad station has been done up beautifully. Any travellers to that or other stations?

SB_YPR's picture

My views

191 users have liked.


First off, I haven’t seen a convincing master plan on how a central station for Bengaluru should really look

I don't think any such plans existed in the first place. Why not put up suggestions on this thread?

and what trains need to come there.

Please clarify what you meant by this phrase.

What are the features it should have for being passenger friendly, clean, functional and easy to use.

I would suggest covered platforms, a better subway, a good public announcement and display system, availability of refreshments, plenty of dustbins and frequent cleaning.

The parking lot is a toilet (reminds me of our beloved HAL airport, there is some magnetism between cars and toilet. Maybe the agent is called drivers).

Exactly. So the problem lies in the attitude of the praja rather than the railways. Pay and use toilets exist in the station.

Whats preventing them from building a multilevel parking lot and drop off zones.

Why should they? IMHO, the focus should be on providing good connecting public transport infrastructure - like a better subway to KBS, for instance. Private vehicles should be discouraged as far as possible. In any case, PT will not be an issue here once NM comes up.

Currently the drop off area is dangerous to passengers

In what way? Due to the congestion at present, I have observed that vehicles move too slowly there to cause any injury to anyone, even in the event of a collision. If you have had any unpleasant experiences there, please elaborate.

I have heard secundrabad station has been done up beautifully. Any travellers to that or other stations?

I have been to Secunderabad station only in transit. There is some landscaping work on one end, and perhaps that makes it more beautiful, but the rest of the station did not appear to be very different from ours - with the exception that there were certainly more dustbins in sight.

Chennai Central has a huge covered lounge at one end, being a terminal station. Also quite crowded, though separate entrances for suburban and long-distance train platforms makes things quite manageable. There are more ticket counters as well.

New Delhi is again chaotic and congested. The lone foot overbridge groans under the weight of passengers on it. The footfalls are very heavy but facilities were (in 2007) clearly inadequate to cater to the load. However, major upgrades were carried out last year and the situation has probably improved now.



Manish, Nagarbhavi.



pathykv's picture

City Railway Station access

195 users have liked.
I give below my letter sent to TOI.
Your report (4th May) has highlighted many woes at City Rly. Stn. Another major problem is the access to the Station for bus commuters from the Majestic bus stand. The subway between the Rly & bus stations is so ill-designed with numerous flights of stairs, serpentine and sloping slippery- when- wet passages that it is extremely harsh on the passengers, esp. sr.citizens, women & children carrying baggage. The problem is further aggravated due to the subways and stairs inside the Rly.stn already mentioned in your reprt.It takes more than half hour to negotiate from bus platform to train platform if the correct platform is known and you already have a ticket.
BMTC runs special Volvo buses to Airport. Why not the SWR authorities coordinate with BMTC and arrange the Volvo buses from the Majestic bus stn. to pass through the Rly. stn. by providing a few bus bays inside their compound where ample space is available?. Such arrangements exist in almost all Rly. Stations.
K.V.Pathy, 3367/S, 13th Main, H.A.L. II Stage, B'lore 560008
Vasanthkumar Mysoremath's picture

Go underground parking at B'luru City Rly.Stn.

210 users have liked.

The advantage of a city bus stand bang opposite the City Rly. Stn. can be exploited to the hilt by providing underground parking facility in front of City Rly. Stn. for dropping and picking up of railway commuters with direct access to various platforms straight from the parking arena with LED information system about arrivals and departures. 

It is a win win situation for Rlys, BMTC and Metro with proper planning and execution that synchronises with the Metro passing through Majestic Area in an underground mode.

Consider this possibility and also create a green environs in front of City Rly.Stn. with only pedestrians passageways.

-Vasanth Mysoremath


idontspam's picture

Some suggestions

197 users have liked.

1. Pavements need to be on both sides and widned along the approach roads into the station. People are forced to walk on the road blocking traffic.
2. Clearly mark drop off area, driving lanes and ped walking area using paint liberally.
3. Raised ped crossings from 4/2 wheeler parking to station. Use paint liberally.
4. Ramps at all entrances to take luggage into the station. Only the far left entrance (near 2W parking) has ramp.
5. Escalators in the subway & overbridge
6. Clear color coded large signboards with directions to platforms, overbridge, subway, toilets etc.
7. Subway can start from the terminal like the overbridge instead of starting from platform 1. The subway can also later be integrated to the metro station & bus stand with travelators underground.
8. Subway to continue to link all platforms. Currently some platforms not served by subway.
9. Dustbins on every other pole on each platform emptied often enough. Picking up of litter multiple times a day.
10. Replace slippery tiles in platform 1 with matte finish plain cement tiles. Mark edges with reflective and ribbed kerbstones.
11. Overhead roofing to extend till edge of platform.  
12. Keep parking clean so it doesnt look like a toilet inviting more people to think it is alright to use it for that purpose.
13. Rear entrance information screens, tkt vending machines etc dont work. Make sure any equipment installed is ALWAYS working. If it doesnt, make alternates for non working machines and put board at the non working equipment informing people of the same.

pathykv's picture


190 users have liked.
Dear Mr. Vasanth,
Your idea of underground parking is ideal in the long term.
But for here and now, the buses should be routed via the Rly. Stn. entrance by providing a few bus bays. The SWR authorities should cooperate like the BIAL Airport authorities.
Vasanth's picture

KBS - Railway Station Transport Integration

224 users have liked.

One of the thing that I realize when I travel  (arrive) by train and want to take BMTC bus is I have to climb the footover bridge or getdown using the subway within the railway station,  then walk at the ground level within the station compound and use the subway to cross the road (get down the stairs, walk in the dirty subway), again climb the stairs to get onto KBS.

I have to do many climb up, get down circus with the luggage.

While travelling out of town, it is even more horrible. Without reservation, you are worried if you get seat or not, you have to stand in a long que to get the ticket apart from doing this circus.

I was thinking three solutions for transport integration of BMTC and Railways:

1. Merge the railway foot over bridge and KBS footover bridge with a skywalk with a TTE at the entrance of the Railway station. Skywalks are more preferrable since it does not provide shelter to various vendors like in the subway and it is more aeriated , no urine smell etc..(atleast washed by rain!!).

2. Start Shuttles from Railway Station Front Entrance, Back Entrance to KBS either using Swaraj Mazda or 6/7 seater Revas.

3. Start Sky Train or Monorail like in the airports from Platform 8 with stop near Platform 2 and KBS entrance and KBS end (near old Sangam theatre). comment guidelines

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