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Launching Praja Podcasts! Call for volunteers

213 users have liked.

We are happy to announce Podcasts on Praja.
With podcasts, we can share audio files of interviews, discussions and news to all members and the public. Podcasts are also a great way to spend time fruitfully on those long commutes listening to topics of your interest.

What will these podcasts contain?
Basically anything that is useful as audio. This can be a audio summary of important posts on Praja, can be audio of interviews of people of note or audio summaries of praja meetings.

How to use the podcasts?
The best way to listen to the podcasts is by subscribing to them. See this page to know how to subscribe to praja podcasts. That way you can carry the audio files on your Music player or Mobile phone and listen them at your convenience. This method also helps to automatically download newer episodes without you having to manually check for updates.
Alternatively, all the podcasts can be heard live on the site by going to and clicking on the play button on each episode. (We currently have a couple of home-brew music tracks for testing. Enjoy them)

How can I help?
Well, like everything else on Praja, podcasts will be run by Praja members. You can help by volunteering to record the podcasts. It is not a technically involved process once you set it up. (We have provided step by step instructions for recording podcasts here). You can choose to deliver a 'radio-talk' on one of your favourite topics or choose to summarise weeks best posts on praja. You can also summarise important news of the week from mainstream media that has relevance to praja members. You can record meetings with other praja members or government officers. Your talk can be of any length although 5 to 30 minutes is a good guideline. Please leave a comment if you wish to volunteer.

Currently the admins will perform all the necessary editing for podcasts but if you have expertise in using audio editing tools, please let us know and we can all keep each other busy!

Any further suggestions or questions? Please leave a comment.


shas3n's picture

No takers for podcasts?

164 users have liked.

Thats strange!

(Also bumping this post up)


silkboard's picture

This would be real talking

162 users have liked.

I have asked some members via email phone, we have a few takers. We need one kannada, and English reader to start with. Lets start with "selected posts from praja" podcast on a weekly basis.

Trials should begin very soon. comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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