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December 2010

Praja Suddi - Issue 5

APAD - A Picture A Day, Traffic Indiscipline

Submit motor vehicle traffic violation pictures/video that you would have clicked from your personal camera/phone here. The title of your comment has to read APAD - <date as DD/MMM/YY> - <some text>

[PS: Help on how to insert a picture, via flickr, or directly]

APAD, what next?

 So we are ready with following ideas for DDC 

1) Drivewell Day-DWD - In progress

2) Stick It to Show - SIS  - In progress

Pledge for discipline driving. Stick various messages to display how a pledged driver is dedicated to drive well. 

3) A Picture a Day -APAD - In progress

Yet another way to enforce traffic rules

One can call it decentralization of traffic rules enforcement - let citizens help the police book people for traffic violations and let them be rewarded for this. 

Better facilities for private run buses!

There is no denial that private bus service is being operated in Bengaluru and other places without having its own/leased infrastructure like Terminus or bus stops. As noted in the Imran_haq's ordeal in Kalasipalya, in absence of proper infrastructure, these buses are making use of the public spaces like Roads, gullys, playgrounds even making use of no parking spaces.

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