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December 2010

Response from KSRTC

[This is a response Praja has received from CMM of KSRTC. We are publishing it as received. - admin]

Advertisement Revenue for SWR at Bangalore Station

Reserve Price per annum in Rs.

DGCA for Airlines!! Who will come for BMTC?

The latest news going on for past 2-3 days is the intervention of DGCA and slashing of the fares of the Airlines across the country - They have fixed the minimum and maximum fares that can be kept for the airlines for the distance

Widening roads around Palace grounds - alternatives

Referring to the DPRs for widening of roads around Palace grounds & Vinay's previous post:

Meeting with India Water Portal

15 Dec 2010 18:30

To discuss the water index project and to take it further.

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