The following is an incremental list of the parameters we plan to track as part of the water index. We shall continue to add parameters until we finalise a stable index.
Request Praja members to review this list, focusing on
* Any broad category that has not been covered.
* Any parameter that has been left out.
To add to the list,
edit this wiki page and enter your suggested parameter(s) under the sixth category (Additonal Parameters). Please enter clear and concise parameters/descriptions. Rap on the knuckles for vagueness. :)
The first five categories form the initial list. Additonal parameters suggested by Praja members form the 6th category:
1. Pipe Water
a. Hours of Supply
b. Coverage - Percentage of households having a bwssb connection.
c. Unaccounted for Water- Calculated by measuring the amount of water that BWSSB bills to the amount of water that it supplies.