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April 2010

How about a public transportation Index?

On the lines of this water index project, how about a separate group of people come forward to build a public transportation index for Bengaluru? Idea would be to build a single number, publish it month over month or quarter over quarter to show some trends on how public transportation related investments or policy changes are working for our city.

It is tempting to try a traffic and transportation index instead. But public transport is the bigger and better defined service that citizens want to consume. Traffic is a different beast, it caters to movement of goods and private as well as public means of mobility.

Unlike for water domain, transportation area may already have with lot of published data points. Further, thanks to a Wilbur Smith report for MoUD (Central Ministry of Urban Development), a lot of thinking too is available to borrow from.

JP (Jayaprakash Narayan) of Lok Satta - public event in Bangalore

6 Apr 2010 17:00
6 Apr 2010 18:30

The president of Lok Satta party will be in Bangalore on Tuesday and will hold a Public Interaction. 


                         NEXT TO HOTEL RAMA
                         LAVELLE ROAD.

Interested folks are welcome.

Route Search is available on BMTC Website

Happened to visit the BMTC website to check if anything has changed. Got a surprise to find that its link for 'Route Search' is active and it did allows route search.

Searched few routes and seems to the results presented were correct and useful. here is the link for BMTC route Search

Vinod,s8, srivatsava, manish, could you all pls check this out and report if this feature reports the correct routes and people can rely on the results for planning their travel in Bengaluru.


“Learn your way” awareness campaign

Project number:3280
Opened by:surajnair
Opened on:Saturday, 3 April 2010 - 7:57pm
Last modified:Wednesday, 13 October 2010 - 11:22pm
Operations:add Case | view all project cases
Organize an awareness campaign for encouraging Open Schooling in Bangalore.

The students of CSIM, Bangalore, are organizing “Learn your way”, an awareness campaign for encouraging Open Schooling in Bangalore. This is an event

Water Index parameters

Participants: Vishwanath Sir, Jenny, Rajesh Shah, Neha Dar, Rithesh, Shekhar, Srivatsva, Swati Dandekar

We met today at Alliance Francaise to define the scope of the water index and chalk out our next steps.

The scope of the index has been divided into 5 categories. The following is an initial list of parameters we came up with during the meeting. This list will continue to be built incrementally before we finalise a stable index.

1. Pipe Water

    a. Hours of Supply

    b. Coverage - Percentage of households having a bwssb connection.

    c. Unaccounted for Water- Calculated by measuring the amount of water that BWSSB bills to the amount of water that it supplies.

    d. Slum Coverage - Percentage coverage in slums. BWSSB mandates that every household in a slum must be given a water connection.

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