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December 2009

Quality footpaths from BBMP - good going at Whitefield

When you see good work, you must appreciate and encourage BBMP. Its not covering all corners of Whitefield, just the main roads. But as they say, level of development of a city is determined by its footpaths and pavements, not the roads. And this is a good beginning.

It started in October I think when material started showing up around the roads

More teeth for Lokayukta - justification and risks

Refer the "Empower Lokayukta" campaign running elsewhere on this website. It is important to understand what exactly this "suo motu" thing means.

Using Praja to write a policy proposal

Have been missing in action for a week now, but writing this note to draw attention to this proposal (Join hands to write ...) for using website as a collaboration tool to develop a transportation policy proposal for Bengaluru.

About Us - Loksatta

Official Web Site :

What is Loksatta?

Loksatta provides a political platform to take electoral politics head on, a platform which millions of Indian people have been looking for!          

Every time they look at the options before them, they wonder which one of the candidates is less evil that the others!?! This is where Loksatta Party comes in!!!   Political parties are the only way of engaging with the Government.  We cannot shun Politics. NGOs make an impact in specific areas, and independents make a short-term impact. But, a successful political party full of moral, upright, efficient, intelligent statesmen Leaders can make a huge impact across the Nation.


Loksatta’s beginnings…

Unique Identification Authority of India Website

Well done UIDAI!

Happened to see a news reports the launch of  "Unique Identification authority of India (UIDAI)" website. Here is the link for the website.

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