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Using Praja to write a policy proposal

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Praja related

Have been missing in action for a week now, but writing this note to draw attention to this proposal (Join hands to write ...) for using website as a collaboration tool to develop a transportation policy proposal for Bengaluru.

See, what we saw in Mobilicity was a state-wide Transportation Policy draft. State and urban areas are two different things. Statewide policy would probably have touchpoints with Railways, will have to have mapping around districts, perhaps zonals hubs, both for movement of goods as well as people. Last mile access would have slightly different definition there.

Talking a specific focus area like Bengaluru, or a policy proposal to cover large urban areas of the state (what we tend to dismiss as Tier-2 cities, but these are the places of good hope)., we would end up producing more concrete guidelines, and less of motherhood level talk.

What wiill such a policy proposal do? Probably not much in the short term. But over long term, once better and official policies develop on top of it, it could drive some coordination across multiple agencies. It could drive consistencies across multiple local governments. It could also be good advertizing for our city that is gaining negative reputation on transportation and local governance front.

If a real BMLTA were to be in place, this job would have been easier. But even then, so what, let us all join hands to write something so good that would be hard to ignore. It would be like citizens writing their requirements in organized way.

Worth a try I feel, but it will need part time commitments from at least 20-25 people, some experts, some just moderators. About the technical features to support such a thing on the website, I think that too can be handled.

With about 15-20 active editors, and 6-7 nominated experts, and a good skeleton to start with, I guess it would take about 2-3 months to produce the first solid version.


srkulhalli's picture

Good , but may be bigger than we can chew

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SB, Sounds very good, but maybe a little too ambitious - just my thoughts. There are two issues, getting so many people and their time and secondly, how seriously would the GOK folks look at it. My suggestion would be to start simpler (maybe a first step), look at the current document, get in all the inputs from all folks - a couple of "editors" take the trouble of collating and organising it and we present that and wait and see the seriousness of the GOK to discuss with us. If it works well, we can step it up one plane and try write a draft proposal


murali772's picture

build around this - may be

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I had long ago come up with a "state public bus transport policy paper" under this blog. It was deliberately set out in an 'outline' form with a view to making it reader friendly. Though it covers public bus transport services largely, it does touch on other related issues also. Perhaps a more comprehensive "transport policy" could be built around it.

Muralidhar Rao
kbsyed61's picture

Partner with CIRT, Pune!

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SB and Murali!

I agree with Suhas to start with a simple version first and expand it later based on inputs from experts and others. Start with the existing document(s) and brainstorm the contours and contents of the policies that should go into the document. Brainstorming session can be with the known available experts and activist who are actively involved in the PT issues. The updating efforts will have to be taken up by The praja enthusiast only. Experts can only be expected to review and submit their feedback.

There is one more entity whom we (Praja) can solicit help to build this document. The entity is "The Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT ), Pune" .

They have even submitted a project report for KSRTC, Mysore.

Project report  - Intelligent Transport System for KSRTC, Mysore

I went through the initial pages of this report and found to be very well written and indicates very good grasp on the subject.

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